My four month old (18 wks to be exact) used to just wake up 2 or 3x a night for feedings (maybe one late night feeding if he went to bed early, one mid night feeding around 1 or 2, and one early feeding around 4-5). For the past couple of weeks, he wakes up every 1-2 hours. I still just feed him the 2x but it doesn't seem to make a difference. I used to nurse him to sleep. Now that I've been trying to get him on EASY, he is much worse. I give him a pacifier which falls out while he's sleeping, but when he wakes up, I have to put it back in to get him back to sleep. This works great but the problem is that he keeps waking up an hour or two later. Sometimes, it is definitely because he rolled over on his tummy and can't get back over. Most of the time, there is no apparent reason for his awakenings. I put him to bed around 8 and he wakes up for good around 8. Actually, I often wake him up around 8. He is exhausted most of the time and does not nap well during the day either. I'm still trying to get his morning nap to develop beyond 40 minutes. Any advice will be much appreciated.