Hello all,
Just got to know of the book and group today, and wish someone had told me earlier. All I had reccomended was the mean, CLB book and that was not something I wanted to follow.
So while I try and snatch a few seconds everyday to read the book, would greatly appreciate some expert advise, since we seem to be facing sleep and feeding issues.
My DS is 6 months now.
He tends to fall asleep only while being rocked, and I desperately need to stop him from that as my back is giving way, so for a week now, we are letting him CIO, has reduced from 20 to abt 10 minutes now with another 5 of in between cries. Its very hard, but if successful it will be a great boon. I am doing this only for night time sleep not for daytime naps, should I follow this for naps as well? The patting technique or shh stuff does not work on him at all.
Quite often he falls asleep while feeding, and don't know what to do with that? he used to sleep only while nursing but atleast he has grown out of that now.
He does not really have a fantastic routine (part of the problem) but I am trying. Broadly speaking his routine is as below:
6/6:30 wakeup
6:30/7 bottle feed
2 hrs nap in the middle
10:00 bottle feed
1:00 bottle feed
1-3 approx nap
3:30/4 solids + bottle
6/6:30 solids + bottle
change clothes, book reading, story telling
7:30ish sleep
all bottle feeds are about 4-6oz, its either expressed milk or formula
wakes up in middle of the night at about 4am for abt 1/1.5hrs
When DS wakes up in the night, there are a few minute of playing/grunting and then bawling, will not even pen his eyes, but keeps sucking. Doctor has asked us to feed water instead of milk, just started since Friday. Needs to be rocked back to sleep, sucks on blanket till he falls asleep. Does not want a pacifier at all.
He already has two lower teeth and I think might be starting on the next set as well, but he has never slept through the night.
SO my questions:
1.Should I persist with the night time CIO sleep routine?
2. Should I try that for his naps as well?
3. Will the water instead of milk trick work? how long should I try it?
4. How do I know if he is really in need of that extra bottle of milk?
5. How do I get him to start eating more solids?
Many many thanks to everyone who will be guiding me. I am at a big loss with absolutely no friends in the country where we live

and no family around as well.