Routine looks more or less like this at the moment:
7am E
7.30 A
8.00 S
v low ley A when wakes after 45 min nap
10.00 E
10.30 A
11.00 S
ditto above
1.0 E
1.30 A
2.0 S
ditto above
4.0 E
4.30 A
Usually another 30 min snooze in her bouncy chair then a little more A
6pm E, followed by a little activity and a short snooze (10-15 mins or so)
6.30 bath, then a little more E then
7.00 S (takes about 30 mins - 1 hour to get her to sleep properly, keeps dropping off then waking again)
10pm DF
the day varies a little, e.g. if she wakes at 6am our day starts then, if she wakes at 5am I put her back to bed then we start the day at about 7.45 instead.
She's been on a very flexible EASY since we got home from hospital at 4 days, and it seems to suit us both well. I don't get too stressed if she changes it a bit (e.g. first of all she wanted 4 hour easy with 3 hour naps, then 3.5 hour easy with 2 hour naps, but for the last week or so it's looked like the above)
I can't extend her activity times - just now I fed her, played a little then she yawned a couple of times. I put her in her crib and went downstairs to fetch something, when I came back she had fallen asleep. Unfortunately it's not always that simple......