Mamaholmes - what is your due date? We must be due around the same time!
After that short night (I agree, it is definitely on the short side), I let Zara sleep waay to long for her nap (I woke her after 3 hrs
) but by then, at least my own very very extreme irritability had completely gone (and it was extreme, I really really need to have this baby).
She went to bed fine around 8pm again, but can't sleep in as we have to leave early to head out of town to go to the OB for another appt (2.5 hr drive each way), plus DH has an appt with the orthopaedic surgeon also, so it is going to be a very very long day for Zara and I (and maybe dh too I guess
Anyway. Will try to get her back to an earlier bedtime over the weekend (Fri-Sun). no doubt she will push me to it herself anyway by taking a shorter nap (back down around the 1.5 hr mark).
Her wakeup time I dont' believe is related to OT - she is waking up when DH goes to work, and has done that for most of her life....we did seem to fix it for a while, but in hindsight, I think she was sleeping extra due to growth spurt.
To top off all our fun, she is teething all 4 eye teeth....all are big white lumps just waiting to bust through the skin.
But, like I said, total happy camper, and NW fewer than they have been since I went into hospital about 5-6 weeks ago now (with the odd night of none!) so I really don't think she is OT at this stage. Also, except for growth spurts, 11 hrs has always been a long night for her, and 10s are not unusual at all. Longer than 11 has pretty much only happened at growth spurts. Hmm. Will keep on watching what happens....somehow doubt she will ever be a "nap at xxx time, for xxx hours" type of kid...she doesn't do anything the same ever LOL.