HI everyone, I have a 20 week old DS who we started on BW EASY about three weeks ago now. i battle with him with short naps and he is nowhere near sleeping through the night. Our day goes something like this, I mostly ff but give the occasional breast feed first thing in the morning, though i think it is mostly for comfort that he does it - i am letting my milk dry up now:(: we have more of an EASAE at the moment
E 5am wakes, bf for only 5 mins or so - back to bed, will usually wake in another half hour or so
E 6:30am - sometimes takes between 5 and 6oz - i count this as the first feed of the day.
A only a short A time here as the nights are always terrible so he gets tired really quick in the morning
S 7:30 - catnap for 45 mins - i have tried endlessley to extend this to no avail.
(A) - have more A time to make him stretch his 4 hours till the next feed
E 10:30 - takes between 6-7oz
A 11:30ish start wind down
S asleep by 11:45 - sometimes can extend this nap to 1 1/2 hours, maybe just under 2sometimes
(A) - stretch to next feed
E 2:30pm - 7oz
A starts showing tired signals around an hour after this (but has already been awake around 2 hours!)
S 3:30 start wind down, asleep by 3:45 - again, another 45 mins to maybe 1 hour here - fail to extend
(A) - again stretch to next feed
i have just started giving him some food intros so at about 5:45/6pm i will give him a few teaspoons of baby rice
BATH TIME and massage 6:15 - 6:45
E - 6:45 - 7oz
in bed at 7pm - sometimes 7:30 if he has a catnap between 5 & 6 which is very rare
DF at 10:15 - starting to take less and less of this bottle too, sometimes only 4oz
our days are hardly ever the same though as far as timings go, some days i'll only start feeding at 7 then everything from there will go 4 hourly, but sometimes its 5am or even 4:30am that i will give him a little feed to see if he was infact hungry.
His waking at night is terrible! He wakes up almost every hour sometimes from around midnight.
Before starting him on EASY he was going to bed at 7, waking at 12 and taking 5oz, then waking again at around 2 when i would feed him again but he started taking less and less of that bottle so i stopped it.
He does use a dummy to resettle and i know that it has become somewhat of a prop. When he wakes up i normally tuck him in again and put his dummy back in and he'll usually go off again, but only for another half hour or thereabouts, then he starts up again.
He sleeps very deeply and soundly between 7 & midnight, but then something happens after that and he just keeps on waking up. He is still in our room, but we are super quiet so i don't think that we are waking him up, its just baffling me. He is teething at the mo, has been for about the last 3 months it seems! and he has got an itchy eczema on his neck and torso which we have been treating and it has greatly improved.
he doesn't wake up screaming, its probably more of what you would call a mantra cry, but it just escalates and eventually he starts waking up too much and then starts playing, i hear him whacking the sides of his cot, and flinging his beanie toy around and he just grunts alot - what could that mean? should i go back to feeding him at 2am when he wakes, and should i stop bf him at 5am, could he possibly be one of these babies that still needs a feed at night?
Going insane here - its all really confusing.
not sure if i have posted this in the right place or not, i think there are a few issues which come under different areas, so feel free to move me:)
thanks for any ideas