Author Topic: CLUSTER FEEDING HELP NEEDED!  (Read 1033 times)

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Offline christianmom

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« on: August 14, 2007, 14:10:35 pm »

Just a general question off of the A time subject. I have just started cluster feeds and dream feeds on christian (Last night was our third night), our evening schedule goes something like this..
1pm feed, act
230 sleep

4pm feed, act
5pm sleep

6pm feed (so that I can cluster)

730pm bath, story
8pm feed (cluster)

1030 dream feed

I know, its a strange schedule, but I am having trouble figuring out a schedule for him. HERE IS THE PROBLEM...last night he woke every two hours for a bottle, and then only took 2 ounces (he usually takes three). I am afraid that I am teaching him to wake every 2 hours because I start feeding him every two hours at 4pm...he hasn't done this since he was 2wo. should I maybe feed him at 4, 7, and 8...I am afraid he may not be hungry at 8 yet and go to bed without any substantial food. HELP, I am trying to decide what to do tonight and whether or not to eliminate the cluster feeding. Anyone had a similar experience?


Offline christianmom

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« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2007, 16:42:36 pm »
Just a bit more information,

When Christian wakes frequently in the night, he is not taking a full 3 ounces. I am so concerned, he is 8 weeks and only takes 2-3 oz every 3 hours. he weighs 9.5 lbs. he falls asleep after 2 oz lately and will not take any more.


Offline * Paula *

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« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2007, 19:59:28 pm »
Doing both the DF and the clusterfeed sometimes does not suit every lo. 

When your lo is waking every 2 hours in the night - have you tried to re-settle him to see if he will go back to sleep, or do you just offer him a feed?  Could it be gas perhaps that is causing him discomfort?

I would say that your cluster feeds are fine, would stick with those if your lo is happy to take them, but perhaps try and move the DF closer to 10pm and see if this suits your lo better.  Sometimes doing a later DF can actually interfere with your lo's sleep and cause more night wakings than normal.  Might be worth a try.

Also, it can take up to a week for the DF to actually start working and eliminating any night wakings.

If after a week of bringing the DF forward to 10pm, and your lo still wakes every 2 hours, then I would consider dropping the DF and just sticking with the clusterfeeds.


Please keep us posted on how you get on.

Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

Offline christianmom

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« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2007, 03:06:45 am »
Thanks Paula,
I do need to give it a little more time. Christian did wake every two hours last night, but also this morning. and he seems to be taking in a significant amount of formula with each "extra feeding". Growth spurt? Who really knows. I will just watch how long it goes on and decide then!

I would love to move up my dream feed, but none of my bedtimes seem to be consistent right now, anyway. I hope that my schedule continues to become more consistent. eg. christian wakes up at different times, therefore my "day" starts at different times each day, then follows along as it should. I am sure I am not the only one with this problem, unless wake time will eventually stabilize.

anyway, thanks for the advice. we will work on it all.


Offline * Paula *

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« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2007, 19:41:18 pm »
Hi Amanda,

It could very well be a growthspurt - just keep an eye on Christian and see how he does.

Yes, wake time will eventually stablise out a bit - remember your  lo is still very young and his tummy can only hold a small amount of milk, and this is why he is waking so often for feeds.  As he gets older and starts taking more oz per feed he will start to sleep longer.

Please keep us posted on how you get on.
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007