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Offline KLT001

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Doesnt like leaving the house?
« on: August 02, 2007, 06:24:37 am »
My 3mth old does not like to leave the house. If I take her down to the shops or anywhere she will scream. I suspect she is tired as by the time we get there she is yawning, rubbing eyes etc etc. The only problem is that she wont sleep in the pram. I have been following the E.A.S.Y routine and it has worked wonders for her home life as she has been sleeping right through with a dreamfeed and her naps are progressing every week, but now I seem to have a problem that I have found nobody else has, how on earth will I ever get out of the house without the screaming match? She also doesnt give up and people start looking at me because i cant settle my own baby?????? HELP!!! She is also one of those super sensitive babies that when looked at by someone other than myself or her daddy her bottom-lip drops and she cries in fear?

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Re: Doesnt like leaving the house?
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2007, 06:43:38 am »
Big hugs to you .... I'm sorry to hear that people have been making you feel so awful while you are out and about.  My ds used to hate shopping malls, would scream and refuse to sleep no matter how tired he was... he has grown out of it!  It's important for you to get out and about - even just to the shops... the more you do, the easier it'll get!  Your lo sounds like a very sensitive little bear.. it's probably the lights and hive of activity are upsetting her.  The things you try -pop out during activity time when you know she's had a sleep recently, walks in the park, short trips out to the shops and lots of talking/ reassurance to her when she's upset.  What's your routine like?

Offline KLT001

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Re: Doesnt like leaving the house?
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2007, 06:55:44 am »
My routine is getting better, she sleeps well at night now, but catnaps throughout the day so its hard to predict how long she will last. She really only stays awake for 1hr to 1.5hrs at a time so if I dont get her into her cot, its like she doesnt know what to do?????

She is sleeping roughly 6:30p.m until 6:00am with a dreamfeed and sometimes gets a long nap if we are lucky in the day but its like I have trained her in the home, but now what do I do when I go out. Surely people dont stay home forever???

Offline Grace's Mom

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Re: Doesnt like leaving the house?
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2007, 13:20:20 pm »
Hello  :)

Can you post your routine?  Maybe we can help fix those short naps so that she won't be so tired when she is awake.

My lo won't nap out either and we just have to make sure we are home for naps.  It's tough but then I know we'll have a good night and a happy baby.  Of course, there are times where you just can't help but be out and once in awhile won't hurt anything. 

Here is a link that might be helpful.

EASY...Getting out and about

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Grace April 2006

Offline KLT001

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Re: Doesnt like leaving the house?
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2007, 00:48:32 am »
Hey thanks for your response. I seem to be getting no where with an E.A.S.Y routine as Im trying to feed my 3mth on a 4 hour schedule as that then caters for the right amount of bottles in a 24hr period, however sometimes she gets hungry earlier or wakes early from a sleep and is hungry. I tend to just feed her but im wondering whether I should stick to a four hour schedule or not with feeding as the EASY program tends to go on more about 3hrly and 3.5hrly routines???? My bub is formula fed so according to the recommended servings she is getting, she should be on a 4hrly feed for her age. What do you do in this case???
My routine is all over the place, hence hardly a routine!! Im trying not to be too strict so it is a schedule but it seems like sometimes the wake, feed, play idea gets all mixed up!
She wakes around 6:30a.m or 6:45a.m if im lucky and I feed her at 7am so that can be a start to the routine. She then plays after that and I try not to let her go beyond the hour or so because she gets tired quickly in the morning. From then on im just dis-organised as she ususally has a catnap then awakes hungry etc etc. Any suggestions?????
I do have a strict bedtime routine however. I bath her at 5:30p.m then feed her (because she chucks in the bath otherwise) and then she has a short playtime (lowkey) and then bed. She loves that as she hasnt complained once yet! She often cries at the playtime to go to bed, which is rather funny. Its like she is asking to go to bed.
So the prob really lies in the day where Im never seeming to have any sort of routine but just following her tired signs, which often clash with feeds.

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Re: Doesnt like leaving the house?
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2007, 11:55:46 am »
Books and such are just there to give you an idea of how things can be done.  All lo's are different so it's best to follow your lo's cues.  4 hours is most likely too long of a stretch for your sweet baby. 

Most 3 month olds eat every 3 hours - 3.5 hours or so.  They usually don't move over to a 4 hour EASY until 4-5 months or later. 

How long are her A times? How long are her naps?

When EASY seems hard....
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Grace April 2006

Offline KLT001

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Re: Doesnt like leaving the house?
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2007, 21:52:27 pm »
Thanks for your advice. First time mummy is very difficult. hehe. Im going to trial her on the 3hr EASY as of today and see how that goes. If all else fails I will trial her on the 3.5easy?? See which fits best. She is an early riser too so I guess in that case I just tweak the timings around to fit. Ill keep posting to give you updates but we will see how we go.

Anything is easier than trying to delay a feed everyday, as thats what I had been doing to fit the four hour schedule.

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Re: Doesnt like leaving the house?
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2007, 10:23:50 am »
Hi there  :D

With what ever you try, give it 3-5 days to decide if it works or not.  That's about the length of time it takes for their bodies to adjust to change.  :)

With mine, we adjust her routine daily (by a few minutes here and there) depending on what time she wakes, etc.  We usually keep the feed at the same time (about...she lets us know by signing when she is hungry and sometimes it's earlier or later than normal) and adjust naps accordingly.  However, now she is pretty much set on her wake time.  It DOES get easier  :D

You are doing a great job!   And, yes!  Being a first time mommy is definitely difficult.  Thank God for BW!

I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006

Offline KLT001

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Re: Doesnt like leaving the house?
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2007, 22:33:01 pm »

Well i tried a few variations to her routine and so far she is SET on eating four hourly. She wont eat three hourly as she isnt hungry would you believe. The only prob is that she doesnt sleep the four hour routine as yet???? So Im still going to feed her four hourly and I may need to do EASASE for a while and see how she handles that. I just hope she doesnt get confused as sometimes she thinks she is hungry after a 40min nap, but if I feed her she barely ears a quarter of a bottle (snacking) so I need to watch that. I think this EASASE is the only way at the moment until she learns to nap better?

I know some people suggest pat pat when they wake from a 40min nap but when I go in there she is so wide awake, there is no way she will sleep again so soon. It would have to be a screaming match and then she would sleep from pure exhaustion which isnt the point im trying to get across so I might just keep getting her up and hoping that at some day she may sleep for longer?

The one result I can say is that my night time routine works so well she literally knows exactly what comes next each time! It doesnt involve much at this age but if only she could understand a daytime nap routine as well. Its prob a little my fault as I cant seem to find a routine that works, hence why each day is different. I think now I need to stick to the feeding times and hope her little body clock will eventually sleep around these feed times as it will get used to the time of day she is fed.

It is at the moment
6:30a. m
6:00p.m (as she wants to go to bed at 6:30pm each night so I allow for some awake time)
2am feed, although sometimes she doesnt want it and she goes through to 6:00am/6:30a.m awake?

She will often go back down for her first nap at around 7:45a.m and then awakes around 1hr later, which means she has a while to wait until that next feed. I might see if I can sneak another nap in before she feeds again? Only trialling will tell. ???

Everytime however feedtime runs into the end of her waketime and I cant seem to work this one out until she sleeps longer. Could you still call it waketime if she doesnt fall asleep at the bottle and only stays awake say 15min after feed?????

Hopefully in due time this will all fall into place as she is still little and doesnt have a set body clock just yet, but I can just keep trying a felxible routine until she decides what she likes best I guess?