Author Topic: I think my 6.5 mo old's routine needs tweaking - any suggestions?  (Read 797 times)

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Offline Bryony

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I wonder if anyone has any suggestions for how to tweak Katie's current routine?

Our current routine is as follows:

- She usually wakes anywhere between 6am and 6:45am, and talks to herself and sucks her feet (through the sleeping bag  :P) until I go in and say good morning at 7am
- 7am - get up and BF
- 8am - solids (but she is not really having much - it's more of a suck on some stuff before spitting it out)
- 9am - nap
- 10:30 - wake up - currently I am waking her at 10:30am if she has not woken up herself - I think she would sleep longer on most days if I let her. I have been waking her after 1.5hrs in the hope that she will sleep longer than 45 mins at lunchtime.
- 11am BF
- 1pm ish or whenever looks tired - nap  - usually only 45 mins... this is where the day goes pear shaped...
- 1.45pm - spend up to an hour trying to persaude her to back to sleep. Sometimes successful, but increasingly not successful.
- 3pm BF
- 4:15pm catnap (45 mins) - later and shorter if she DID have a longer sleep or go back to sleep at lunchtime
- 5pm solids (as above)
- 7pm bed
- 10:15pm BF (I am in the process of slowly moving this earlier with a view to dropping it in the next month or two)

The problems are:

1. The lunchtime nap - she's been a 45 minute napper since she was 7 weeks old, but the morning nap sorted itself out months ago. I used to be able to pat/sshh or put her in the buggy to have the second 45 mins  of the lunchtime nap, but my success rate is really dropping now and most days she does not go back to sleep before it's time to thnk about her 3pm feed.  She usually wakes up happy and wanting to play. So I think I am going to have to resign myself to the lunchtime nap only being 45 mins for the time being. Our A time bewteen morning and lunchtime naps is currently between 2hr 15 and 2hr 30. I have tried increasing it but at 2hr 30 or more we tend to get 30 minute naps. I have also tried reducing it but we still get 45 minute naps.

2. She is getting more difficult to settle at bedtime. Used to be just lie her down and leave the room, and she would go to sleep without a peep. Now it often takes several goes and half an hour or so to settle her. Not sure if this is undertired or overtired.

3. We get NW's if she is overtired - ie less than about 3hrs day time sleep.

So, I feel as though something needs to change, but not sure what. I am wondering whether to do one of the following:

1. Let her sleep as long as she wants in the morning, then 45 mins at lunchtime and 45 mins in the afternoon
2. Drop the catnap on the rare day that she sleeps for 1.5 hrs at lunchtime, and hope this results in a longer lunchtime sleep more often
3. Cut the morning nap shorter in the hope that she sleeps longer at lunchtime (bit of a high risk strategy if she doesn't!)

Any thoughts anyone?   Sorry it's a bit of a long post!


Bryony x

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Re: I think my 6.5 mo old's routine needs tweaking - any suggestions?
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2007, 09:54:02 am »
Hi Byrony, my DD is a couple weeks older than yours, and I allow her the following sleep in the day:

9am/10am - 2 hrs (babies usually have a longer nap in the morning, as they see it as a continuation of their night sleep and are usually tired more quickly in the morning.)

2/3pm nap of 1 1/2 hours

We have dropped the catnap and brought bedtime slightly forward to 6:30/6:45. I found that the catnap was only making my DD more reluctant to go to bed or making her wake a lot in the night as she was "undertired"

Does this sound like a sleep routine that could help? It would make the amount of sleep 3 1/2 hours. The problem with shortening the morning nap could mean she is overtired and not sleep well at the next nap.  HTH

Offline Bryony

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Re: I think my 6.5 mo old's routine needs tweaking - any suggestions?
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2007, 12:14:07 pm »
Emma Louise - thanks! that's the option I was probably most inclined to take, so it's good to know that someone else is doing the same thing.  Although I suspect my LO would only manage 45 mins in the early afternoon - in which case I assume I would still give her a catnap later?


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Re: I think my 6.5 mo old's routine needs tweaking - any suggestions?
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2007, 13:20:42 pm »
Hi Byrony, its so tricky isn't it! I know when my DD has a very small afternoon nap, I let her have about half an hour at half four, but no later as she does not want to go to bed, or wakes in the night singing and ready to play! All babies are different, but my little routine seems to work out for me  :)

Offline Bryony

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Re: I think my 6.5 mo old's routine needs tweaking - any suggestions?
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2007, 15:31:05 pm »
Sounds good. Well it is now 4:30pm, we had a 45 minute nap at lunchtime, and I am trying for the catnap - although currently I can hear her talking and moaning via the Katiemonitor...  ::) ::)

I think I will go for the long morning nap though as this seems to fit in with her natural rythyms. Does anyone else have any thoughts?


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