Hi all
looking for advice on my lo's routine - at the moment she is OT nearly every bedtime - either falling asleep on the breast or howling herself to sleep (dont worry I am with her but its still heart breaking
Few background comments
- 5 months old
- she is a chronic short napper, but I am working on this. Nearly always have to intervene with her naps - sometimes I think she would have been ok alone (then she ALWAYS does 1 hr, 10 - does this mean anything?), but most times I go in at 30 mins and stay for 20 mins to see her through the jolts - soemtimes its quite easy, othertimes a real battle. So naps vary from 1, 10 to 2 hrs but always with some intervention and with no predictability that I can see.....
- usually goes down ok for naps if I catch her right - wind down, lullaby etc, sometimes a little pat or 2. So its just the extending - which I hope she will grow out of..
- she will carry on for ever pretending she is ok - playing, grinning etc, its only when it comes to actually switiching off at night that she goes "wrong". She tends to play for a while then break down...
- we do have a bed time routine - bath, b/f upstairs (away from DD1) etc
- she does struggle with her wind at night, has done from birth, DD1 was the same but grew out of it at about 7 months so hope DD2 will too. So nights are unsettled, hence the shorter day, I found if I got her up earlier she had a very short 1st A time
- at least "E" is not an issue - she is happy to go for 4-5 hours between feeds so can largely put these where I want in the routine...
So at present we are at:
A 8.30 to 11 (incl wind down)
S 11- 12.30 (average, varies)
A 12.30 - 3 (incl wind down)
S 3- 4.30 (average, varies)
A 4.30 - 5.50
S 5.50 - 6.20 - cat nap
A 6.20 - 7.30
Feed starts 7.30, then try for sleep....
Please any comments. Also if both sleeps end up at 1hr, 10 what then??
Thanks so much, dont know what else to do to stop the bed time tears...