I need some serious advice.
Geoffrey is still drinking 4 big bottles a day (milk with growing up milk mixed in) and I need to cut those back. I just could never wean him off because he had several ear infections in a row and was never quite right for a long time-he wouldn't eat and I needed to force fluids.
Now, everything is a bit off...he's refusing to eat all the time, having tantrums at the table-eats a couple bites then begs for his bottle.
Here's what it looks like:
8am cereal and Toast then 8 oz bottle
10am-ish snack and water
1230pm lunch and 8 0z bottle
3pm-ish snack and water
6pm dinner and 8 oz bottle
830pm 8oz bottle and bed
Oh my!
Where/How do I start to change this?
He also only really seems to want to eat finger foods when he does eat!