Dinner - yes, she does have to eat. Can you try to make dinner the night before. That might mean that one night you will be doubling up on dinner but that way dinner is already ready so no need to spend time preparing it. Or could you prepare her dinner on the weekends & freeze the portions & then in the mocrowave for a quick de-freeze???
Nap - you say she is so tired by then she falls asleep instantly... that would make me think that she is capable of falling asleep sooner. You don't have to make a HUGE jump (like 1.5hrs earlier) in 1 day. Start with nap 30mins earlier every 2nd or 3rd day so that her body adjusts accordingly
guess I just have to be more consistent with starting the bedtime routine by 7pm. I just feel so bad because it's so bright and sunny out, I feel like I'm cheating her out of her summer.
Well thats the choice you need to make. If you thinks she's missing out... then you could put her down at 7.30pm but these 5am wake ups won't go away until she is better rested. We're coming up to spring now & I will probably go through the same feelings. I try to give Isabella the opportunity to have ALL the fun she wants/needs during the day but come 7pm, she needs to go to sleep. Sleep is just as improtant as play/having fun. She doesn't know what summer, autumn, winter or spring is... she won't know that she is missing out. If she's at daycare, I am assuming they are giving her lots of opportunity to have a great time & be a baby who plays all day long (other than nap time). We have been conditioned to think that summer means being out on the beach & enjoying the sun until its gone... but honestly, she won't know any better.
It also doesn't help when you have a mother and MIL who frown upon you for putting your baby to sleep by 7pm. "What do you expect? You put her to bed so early! Of course she's going to wake up at 5am!"
No it doesn't
. In one ear & out the other & don't tell people what is happening at home. I have been there & the best thing is for me to say everything is ok & then work out things on my own. I STILL get told that 7pm is too early, she's already 2.5, she needs this & not that... don't let them get to you. You are the mother & you do whats best for your child & your family. I can't imagine you enjoy waking up at 5 in the morning.... so the only way to correct this is to offer her an ealier nap & bedtime.