Hi all, so hwat on earth is this developmental phase. i muct be an indication tha the rouine needs changing.
well we were on vacation and Noah slept wonderfully. managed to sleep at least 11hrs straight through and even one 12hr night, naps were also good. this was in hotels and then also at my noisy aunts house. he was going to bed later then I thought he should because of family gatherings etc and he did fine.
we are back home and struggling again. I know he is tired because he is rubbing his eyes quite randomly.
here was last night:
woke at 6:30
nap 12-2 woke on his own 2hrs exactly (used to be 2hrs15min)
bed at 6:50 and asleep by 7:20pm
then woke briefly at 5:10am and then for sure at 5:45am, and then maybe dozed off and on and then back to sleep at 6:45am and I woke him at 7:15am.
so then todays nap was 12:15-2:15
bed at 6:50am and I think he is asleep now at 7:30pm.
so I am wondering if he would do better on a 1.5hr nap, that he may fall asleep a little closer to 7pm and actually sleep through til 6:30am.
at what age do most kids drop to a 1.5hr nap?
he just doesn't ever seem relaxed and ready for bed when I put him down.