Author Topic: 16 mth old DD won't eat finger foods and gags on table food  (Read 4134 times)

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Re: 16 mth old DD won't eat finger foods and gags on table food
« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2007, 17:59:48 pm »

I'm sorry you're going through all of this.  You are an excellent mommy and Sophia is so fortunate to have YOU to be her mommy.

Is she content to scoot around or frustrated that she can't do more?  IMHO, that makes a big difference.  Some lo's get frustrated with limitations when trying to master milestones, so are persistant in tackling them.  Other babies are more content and easygoing and take things at a slower pace.

With huge hugs,

Offline Dree

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Re: 16 mth old DD won't eat finger foods and gags on table food
« Reply #16 on: September 05, 2007, 23:28:46 pm »
Thanks Colin Mac's Mom...I should do that... ;D

Ana C - I tried your recipe and it worked. I watered it down with chicken broth and mixed it in with mashed veggies. I have to start her slowly with the ground beef. A bit of gagging so I added 2 spoons of her baby food. It helped. Sofia loves her pureed food. Sometimes getting her mouth to open is a bit of a challenge. That is why I put half of my home-made food on the spoon and half of the jarred stuff. I will keep you posted.  :D

Cindy - Thank you for your hugs..I truly appreciate it.  ;D

The daycare workers at Sofia's daycare have changed and my dh say that they are amazing. They fed her the daycare food (about 10 spoons of it..that is progress !!!!!!)and some of her jarred food. They know that we need their help to get her to eat and move. So they are trying to help us with her development.

She moves alot on her bum, in circles and across the room slowly. She has been sitting in her crib alot during nap time and sleep time. I have been told that that is a sign to her standing up soon. I hope so.

Some mothers complain about their kids standing in their cribs. I hope my dd does it soon. Then I know she is well on her way. I wish it. Please send me some good vibes mommies.... ::)

Dree  ;)

p.s any more good recipies out there please send them my way...Thanks again. I think you are all amazing women...and men.
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Re: 16 mth old DD won't eat finger foods and gags on table food
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2007, 09:44:16 am »

Sounds like you're a little more positive about things in your last post. MY DS is getting his first molars too (he's 14mths). Seems like teething takes forever. I def notice a difference in his eating when he's teething. So what if the food is pureed while he's teething. I gave my DS some sweet pot and parsnip mashed up a bit - he gagged as I made it a bit too sticky, so I've bought an A.Karmel carrot and tom sauce to add to some of our food rather than use a jar. But some meal times I can't be bothered to put up such a fight and I get so anxious he picks up on it. I have found however that if I hang on a bit longer until he's absolutely starving and he'll try most things then!

As for the walking my DS walked early and I put it down to him having a bouncer that you hang from the doorway and he had a baby exerciser that he used to scoot around the kitchen in.

Good Luck

Offline Dree

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Re: 16 mth old DD won't eat finger foods and gags on table food
« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2007, 23:02:32 pm »
Thanks Loube !!!!!!!!!!!

You are right about waiting a little longer until they are hungry and are more open to trying new things. I have noticed that with Sofia. Sometimes I wait 1hr longer and I find that she will try chunkier textures but not always. She has gotten too used to pureed stuff. But, I know I have to keep trying.

Right now she is suffering from a bad cough. I went in her room to remove the pacifier in mid-sleep. She is starting to really become addicted. It worked. She hasn't freaked out yet. I plan to wean before she turns 2yrs old.


p.s It is nice to know that I am not alone when Sofia challenges me.
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