Hey Natasha - thanks for asking
Ok, this is the way she goes to sleep now.... she will sleep only if someone will lay down with her. This weekend it was my dh & today it was me. I don't really mind cause at least she is napping & not miss cranky pants by 4pm. I do worry that its going to be a prop (well it probably already is) but that she will start asking the same at night... but I KNOW that I'll have to be super conscious of making her understand its only for daytime sleep. It only takes 10mins of being next to her for her to fall asleep & then I am free to go & be on the BW site
. She's still napping now & its been over 1hr. The last few days naps have only been 45mins long - which is plenty to have her rested for the rest of the afternoon. 1hr is more than I expected
Nights are good (touch wood) & no asking to sleep with mummy/daddy. I figured something had to give - or it would have been a battle of wills & I don't have the energy to let her scream for 1 nap every day. So this is our happy-medium
. She only has 6 more months before I guess she is at the age to give up naps... so we'll see how this goes. Maybe eventually I can transition her back to cot but for now this will have to do