Good luck, vadensmommy!!! As you probably know, I did the 1-fold approach (lol) and just dropped the DF in size. I guess I was feeling a bit icky about waking Lena just mere hours after she had gone to bed.
I'm back posting here because I have a situation I'm not sure how to tackle (and to check if Paula is still around!)
Since succesfully having weaned the DF and Lena doing fine for a week or so, she has woken up the past 3 nights at 11pm
Here's a quick rundown of the events:
Night 1: I thought the wake-up was a fluke and thought nothing more of it, but she had a lot of upset NW and a bad nap day following. She was more hungry during the day and I upped each feed with 1-2 oz and offered yogurt (the yogurt I had been offering consistently for the past week already)
Night 2 : I figured she was hungry because she already ate so much during the day, so fed her 120ml/4scoops. She drained this and went back to sleep. A good night with only 1NW at 4am; settled quickly and slept untill 7am. The day following, she ate 4 more scoops in total than usual.
Night 3 : When she woke around 11pm, I fed her 120ml/4 scoops again, she settled quickly but then had 3-4 NW, waking up screaming, very upset. PU/PD worked but only briefly since she woke up so many times.
She was UP at 6am ravenous again and drank (what is for her) a full bottle of 180ml/6s. She never settled again so we had a very early start today.
My ponderings are:
- I am getting more cals in her during the day but she keeps waking up hungry, how do I deal with this? I know Tracy said to always feed a hungry baby and I'm pretty sure it's not habitual because she is such a reluctant drinker usually and when she downs a bottle, it means hunger or she would refuse the bottle otherwise.
Is this a growth spurt? I believe there is one around 8 months?
- She is getting OT from all the NW and the consequential bad naps, how do I solve this?
At this point, I don't know what to tackle first, I had to decide between posting on the naps board, the NW-board and this board, lol because they are all accurate, oh joy joy
Lena is in good spirits during the day though and hardly gives any tired signs.
Any thoughts? Should I post this elsewhere, maybe?
Thanks in advance,
Sophie x