Bless your heart. I do know how that goes. I was exactly a week overdue when dd was born, and that was only after being induced - ended in c-section. But most importantly we were both healthy and everything went smoothly, and I hope everything does go smoothly for you too, whenever you do have this baby
Well, let's see. Things continue to go very very well. This gradual weaning thing is really great. Friday night dd got 3oz at 9:30 and slept well. She did wake once at around 3. I listened for a couple of minutes, and ended up having to go into her. We don't do pu/pd really, have never really needed it, but I am afraid after our teething issues that I'll need to brush up on it. I did get her up and rock her for a minute and was able to put her back down without having to feed her or anything and she went back to sleep.
Last night (saturday night) we did 2oz at 9. She woke at 4 and cried for a bit. I usually listen for a minute, go to the bathroom, wash hands, and go get her. By the time I got to the door of her room she quit
So I didn't have to go get her, and she got up this morning around 6:15. I really think that some of these NW and earlier than ideal mornings (although 6:15 is pretty good, but she was cranky, and ended up napping not even 2hrs after waking) to OT. We've been really busy with moving a business in the family, so there have been a LOT of late nights, late naps, waking her up from naps to be somewhere at a certain time, etc.
So tonight will be more of the same as well as tomorrow night - 2oz at 9, then we'll drop to 1oz at 8:30, and then to nothing! So far dd is really eating solids so much better! She's had 3 meals consistently, and is showing hunger signs for solids, which is new! She hasn't however, been quite as interested in her bottles. I usually try and do 7oz for each bottle, and she's still doing at least 6oz per bottle (for a total of at least 24oz per day not counting the df) but it is a little more of a struggle to get it in her. I may have to tweak the amount of solids she is getting if she continues to not want her bottle just to make sure she is getting enough.
I'll keep you guys posted!