Author Topic: HELP! how to soothe LO in meltdown?  (Read 1492 times)

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Offline lilyn22

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HELP! how to soothe LO in meltdown?
« on: September 21, 2007, 01:58:12 am »
hi everyone,
I'm new to the boards, and am based in singapore...have read tracy's booksbut am hoping to get some help here to manage when i'm on my LO is 3 wks old now and i'm trying to squeeze time in to post when he's asleep...

I have a feeling he's a textbook/touchy type, tho we're still getting to know each other...we have real trouble in the afternoons, and i'm pretty sure its bcuz i missed his sleep window and he;s absolutely inconsolable! this is what yesterday looked like, when he had a COMPLETE meltdown:

E @ 5.30pm(30 mins)
A: 6ish (Nappy change x2), talked to him
S: pat-shush, lots of problems sleeping. ? hungry already
E: 6.40 (25 mins)
A: Bath (very upset by then)
S: pat-shush..over-tired? kept crying..
E:7.45 (20mins)
*Kept wailing..meltdown!!*

@ 8.30 we ended up giving him expressed breastmilk and formula and he feel asleep whilst taking the formula...finally slept at 9pm-1pm

I KNOW he's up for much too long, but he seems to hit this meltdown phase so fast even in the first nap at about 6...and can't calm down...i swaddle him, use the shush-pat for a good 20 mins, and he's still going after 40 mins...
problem is that he doens't yawn until he's really tired i think..and so i don't know how to read his cues! his eyes are wide-open during A how do i know when he needs to transition to S time? And what can i do to calm him other than the shush-pat?  ???

I've given him the Paci before, and it gets him more upset cuz he doesn't really know how to suck on it and will spit it out but keep looking for it and then wail even more! and i don't want him to feed to sleep on the breast, cuz he did have a pattern the first 2 nites home when he suckled for over an hour and a half! we've tried 2 different brands of pacis (NUK and Pigeon), and hubby is going to buy the avent one later one..

P/S He's been on EASY since he was a week old and i'm BF him..

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Re: HELP! how to soothe LO in meltdown?
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2007, 15:52:02 pm »
Congratulations on your new baby and welcome to Baby Whisperer  :)

Most lo's don't get on a real EASY until closer to 6-8 weeks.  With a new born you basically feed them, do a diaper change and put them right back down.  They are maybe up 45 minutes- 1 hour at this age, including feeding time. 

Do you swaddle? 

Can you post what kind of happens during the day as that will effect what happens at long your lo usually stays up, how long he naps, etc. 

Here are a few links that may be of some help....




I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006

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Re: HELP! how to soothe LO in meltdown?
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2007, 17:56:18 pm »
It was also very hard for me to tell when my lo was tired. Whenever people first saw her when she was awake the first thing they usually would say is, "wow, she's so alert." Little did they know that was a sign she was tired. Tracy described babies who would do this by saying they look like their "eyes are propped open with toothpicks." A lot of times when people would see me scooping our baby away to go put her down they'd think I was crazy because to them she looked wide awake. I thought I'd share this because maybe your lo looking awake at times might be a sign that she's tired. Just keep observing and you'll figure out what her sleepy cues are.


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Re: HELP! how to soothe LO in meltdown?
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2007, 20:38:16 pm »
3 wks old babies are still very little and will spend alot of their time sleeping.

I have a 2 & half yr old boy and a 8mth old boy.

I found that when he was little (like under 4 mths old) most of his screaming was as a result of a 'burp' (wind) that was stuck in him.  Just when u think you've got it out they can surface anytime after their first burps !!!!  with my first baby I had this problem alot. as soon as he started screaming I would hold him upright against my shoulder - supporting his head and gently rub his back in a upwards motion.  You might have to hold him like this anywhere upto 30 mins - and 9 out of 10 times he would end up burping ! and then would settle down for his nap or activity time.

Offline lilyn22

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Re: HELP! how to soothe LO in meltdown?
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2007, 02:09:09 am »
thanks for the posts and tips everyone! he does have a bit of a need to be burped..we can go for a whole 5 mins, and still nothing..then 30 mins later, he burps on his own!

this is what his days looks like, give or take 30 mins

A-7.40 Burp+Nappy change
S-8am try to put him to bed, but he fusses, see him rooting/wanting to suckle.
E-8.30: 15mins feed, falls asleep

A-10.40 Burp+Bath
S-11 shush-pat. sometimes he'll fall asleep, sometimes not (unless he feeds again!)


E 8pm-40min
A 8.40-Bath (15mins)
S Try shush-pat. If he fusses until 9.30, he feeds again to be tanked up , and will sleep for 3 1/2 hrs to 4 hrs.

Generally he sleeps well at night, usually for almost 3 hours. but usually falls asleep at the breast..

The pattern i'm seeing now is that he wants to nurse before sleeping, and he'll fuss for a whole 40mins-1 hr if i don't let him feed, so long that he'll skip the whole nap until its time for his next feed!

last nite we introduced the avent  pacifier, and he basically sucked on it the whole time he was supposed to sleep (an hour!) until his next feed..he seemed to like this one better, at least he didn't spit it out as often..he needed help for us to pop it back in (about 7/8 times during the hour), cuz he would root frantically for it (n be woken up fr his relaxed state!)

What Am i doing wrong here? If he falls asleep whilst feeding, i try to fit in some A, so that he practially gets bathed asleeep! but he wakes up half-way thru and gets upset (as you would be), he'll be so wide-awake and then we do the whole sleep routine again, and he'll want to eat after 40 mins of fussing!!! ???

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Re: HELP! how to soothe LO in meltdown?
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2007, 02:22:14 am »
Our evenings were tough until DS was 2 months old.  Because of the same issues - overtired, crying, etc- I moved his bath to the morning when he was more alert.  Once we got our evenings organized, I moved the bath up.  First to the afternoon, then night.  Now, we have a very clear routine, and he is asleep with in 45 min of finishing his bath.  Just a thought, because the bath was more stimulating to him when he was so little. 

Good luck!

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Re: HELP! how to soothe LO in meltdown?
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2007, 20:37:15 pm »
Be sure to give him some time to get use to the paci.  He isn't use to it so it may take a few days. 

If you know he has had a good feed then I would guess he mainly just needs to suck at those times before his nap. 

Is his room dark? 

Do you have any white noise playing (a fan, static, etc.)

Is he swaddled?

All these things will help him soothe. 

In the middle of the night it's OK if they fall asleep on the breast.  It's during the day that we want to encourage a bit of A time before falling asleep so don't worry about the night time feeds.  But, he is still so young so don't worry about it too much if it does happen.  At this age all you can do is try. 

Before the naps or before bed have you tried patt/shhhing on your shoulder and getting him drowsy before laying him down and then finishing while he is on his way to sleepy time?

I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006

Offline lilyn22

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Re: HELP! how to soothe LO in meltdown?
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2007, 13:15:29 pm »
SIgh, he just skipped 2 naps today..the 5pm and the 7pm (both catnaps) but it meant he was up from 4(for his feed) all the way until about 8.30 when he finally fell asleep....poor tired little thing...
i'm wondering, if he "misses" these naps cuz i miss the "tired window", should i go ahead n give him the feeds anyway? i gave him both the 6pm cluster feed and 8pm (moved it to 7.40 since we were trying to put him to sleep since 7)..??

I'll try the suggestion and maybe just give him a sponge bath in the evenings..he hates his baths! it may actually be overstimulating him, rather than calming...we can't skip the bath completely cuz he tends to spit up a fair bit

as for the burping..he's so gassy for a BF baby! i was told that BF LOs tend to burp less?! but we need to burp at least 4 times during a 30min feed...

In terms of things that soothe, i always swaddle him, tho in , this weather here he tends to wake up a lil sweaty..the room is dark, we just have a lamp on..He also has a white noise bear(those womb sound types) which i use instead of shushing....i put it on for about 15 mins when he's in his cot...
I do hold him for cuddles (upright) and pat him until he gets sleepy..that's when i discover more "hidden burps"!)..not sure when i should put him down tho..his eyes pop open many a time once he's in the cot, even if i keep patting..then usually he fusses, i pickup..and it's only when his eyes are closed and stopped the fluttering movements that it works when i put him in the that too late? the paci doesn't always work either..was trying to put it into his routine (cuddles upright n patting, see his eyes closing, he goes into the cot with the paci if he's rooting)..but its stimulated him more all of today...will try to keep at it, see if he likes it or not..
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Re: HELP! how to soothe LO in meltdown?
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2007, 13:29:53 pm »

I want to offer you some ((((((HUGS))))))) it's so hard in the early weeks... My Aliera was such a bad napper/sleeper for the first little while but we pereserved with her and she is the best sleeper now!! I hope things get easier soon. Aliera wouldnt ever take a paci and evenings were the worst for the first few weeks but she settled down around 8 weeks and things became much easier. Aliera found her thumb at 5 months and is a real thumb sucker now lol. A good night time routine is great to establish early i think our night time routine hasnt really changed too much since she was about 5 weeks old (except for timing but the order etc is still the same)

More HUGS for you

Love Katie xxxx

Offline lilyn22

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Re: HELP! how to soothe LO in meltdown?
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2007, 08:14:24 am »
thanks for the support! its so good to know i'm not the only one having difficulties and that there is light at the end of the road! LO is 5 weeks 3days old now..and i think our routine is more settled..we've still got fussy evenings 4 out of 7 days , and i think he's got big issues with wind cuz he'll wake up from a shortened nap crying, and give a HUGE burp...bubbly poops too! but at least now i read his cues a lil better..he's a great napper in the day since last week, and pretty good at nite too..its just evenings we need to tackle a bit more..
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