Can anyone help with any ideas?
Having had no NWs for about 2 months - this week we have had two really bizarre and upsetting ones. On Tuesday night and again last night, Katie has woken up, initially just grizzling a bit alternating with babbling, escalating into heavy grizzling (so I go in - and she's all happy to see me), then escalating into heartbreaking sobbing which goes on for 2-3 hrs.
Each time I have applied teething gel and given her paracetamol (in case teething), then changed her nappy, later offered her some water, eventually offered her the boob (figuring that if she's been awake and crying for 2hrs, she's probably hungry by then even if that wasn't what woke her up) but nothing seems to help - each time she's then eventually cried herself to sleep in mine or DH's arms. [my DH has NEVER woken up for NWs - ever - but the sobbing for these ones has even woken him up].
I am completely at a loss!
Our current routine:
7am get up and BF (she's usually already awake when I go in at 7 - not sure since when)
8:30pm breakfast
10-11:30am nap
11:30 BF
1:30 lunch
2:45 - 4:00 nap (sometimes get a 45-er here in which case we have a 20-30 min catnap in the buggy around 5pm)
4:00 BF
5:30 tea
6:30 bath
6:45 BF
7:00 bed - usually asleep by 7:15pm
The only thing that's changed recently is dropping the DF a week ago - but we had tailed it off v slowly and the other 5 nights since dropping it she has slept 7pm - 7am without any problems.
No recent milestones (she's not rolling or crawling yet - been sitting upright very well for ages), no signs of teething, she's as happy as anything the rest of the time!
Any ideas?
It's really completely heartbreaking hearing her sob for hours at a time and I don't know what to do! I'm also not well at the moment and am really struggling as I want to do is stay in bed for a week!