Sophia will be 7 months old this week. Here's our current schedule:
E 7:00am - wake and bf
E 8:15am - breakfast (rice, fruit, cheerios)
S 9:30am - (in crib by 9:15; usually asleep by 9:30)
E 11:00am - wake and bf
E 12:15pm - lunch (vegetable, fruit, cheerios)
S 1:30pm - (in crib by 1:15; usually asleep by 1:30)
E 3:00pm - wake and bf
E 5:00pm - bf
E 5:45/6:00pm - dinner (oatmeal, vegetable, fruit, cheerios)
A 6:15pm - bedtime routine (bath, massage, pj's)
E 6:30pm - bf until very relaxed and then into crib
S 7:30pm - asleep
Sophia's napping schedule really started to solidify around 6 months, at which point she gradually dropped the late afternoon catnap and started taking 2 longer (1.5 hr) naps each day. I was never successful at extending 40 minute naps when she was younger, so I gave up on it. The good news is that she worked it out on her own--yay! I tried eliminating the 5pm bf around 6 months, but she seemed pretty grumpy about it, so I added it back in. Since we don't do a dream feed, and she sleeps through the night, I think we'll hang on to this bf for a while longer.