Hi everyone, how relieved am i to find this thread and realise that my baby is not one of a kind!!!! My son is 9 weeks old and we have done easy since day 1. Feeding has never been an issue but as i am sure you have guessed, going to sleep is the issue !! He fights like crazy. For a few weeks in a row i barely left the house so i could get a 'wind down' routine established along with SSH/PAT but this week i have given up. i dont feel my attempts achieved much except i have nearly gone insane not going out and just stressing about it. He will not put himself to sleep so i need to hold him in my arms while he fights me, crying until he drifts off. This week i have decided to go about my business as usual and have gone out the house every day. He doesnt like the car seat and usually cries and sometimes even falls asleep. i think this is the only time he falls asleep himself but i do feel guilty cos he cries without me being able to comfort him cos i am driving !!!
anyway, he has been a bit grumpy at bathtimes the last couple of days which is unusual but i think its cos he is just tired (from our outings) and wants to go to bed as he has gone down first time the last two nights. previously he was waking after 30 mins and needed to be resettled.
nap times are very brief and always takes at least a 10 minute fight beforehand.
it is very disheartening but understanding that it is just his personanlity and that he doesnt hate me, really helps
does anyone have any advice on how i can wind down better as to try and avoid the crying matches? i mean tonight for example, he fell asleep in my arms so i put him in his chair to sleep, he woke after 5 mins but never cried so i just left him and never let him see me. after about 10 mins i let him see me and spoke to him and he started crying !!! so i picked him up, he fought, i SSH/PT and then he fell asleep after 5-10mins. Do you think he wanted to go to sleep and that is why he cried when he saw me as if to ask for my help?
also, how come spirited babies can look so happy and awake but are actually very tired ARGH
at least it can only get better