A couple of weeks ago there was a thread on here about WI/WO - I can't find it now, but I would really like to say a huge thank you to the Mummy who explained GW to me.
It took a week but DS is now not only sleeping how he did before his hiccup - but a million times better. He has been waking at 9am - getting 14 hours a night. Incredible. I'm now trying to figure out what to do about his day sleeps! He's sleeping until he would usually have his morning nap, the frst 2 days I put him down a couple of hours after he woke, and he slept an hour each time, then a coupl eof hours in the pm. Today, I cut the morning nap and put him down at 1245... he slept only 1,5 hours instead of the nearly 2.5 yesterday.
ANYWAY, the point is I'd like to say thank you for being there in my hour of need - you've changed our lives!