Author Topic: Traveling....adjusting to a small time change (please need immediate advice)!  (Read 1039 times)

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DD and I will be travelling to Arizona next Saturday to visit her grandmama. Arizona is 1 hour behind where we live and i just wanted to know if I need to start tweaking her schedule, and start moving things (feeding, nap and bedtime) back 15 minutes each day or just go with it and have her just do things an hour later earlier there...i.e. bedtime at 6:15 pm over there (since it is around 7:00-7:15 over here).  Sophia tends to be on a pretty tight routine as this works best for her...if not she will either get over tired or over stimulated. Am I over stressing here?
I appreciate your advice/input!


« Last Edit: September 28, 2007, 01:12:45 am by Ana_Cristina »

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When we go to my dad's it is one hour ahead of us. We figure it's close enough it's not worth bumping her schedule around. So we just move the lot an hour later, kwim? So she goes to bed at 6:30 at home, she goes to bed at 7:30 at my dad's. 6:30 home time. We have done this since she was wee and it's always been great. Ella did and still does do best on a tight routine too.  Have a good time when you go!  :)
~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

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We went to Cuba which was an hour off and I did adjust my dd's nap and sleep time by 15 minutes the first 2 days then left it at that and she was fine. If your dd is anything like mine with a very short window of opportunity to sleep before she goes into overtired mode I would suggest altering the time instead of putting her down the first day an hour off which could mean overtired.
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  • Guest long are you going for? If it's for a short trip, I would leave her on her time zone and just keep things steady. If you're planning on being gone for awhile, I would adjust her by 15 mins intervals....

have fun! :-*

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We travel often from Denmark to the UK which is one hour behind. DD is now nearly a year but last weekend when we were there we stuck to danish time and her schedule as closely as possible and it is the first time she didn't get OS and OT and has come back home and more or less gone straight back into the swing of things. It did mean we were waiting oustide Starbucks at 6.15am waiting for it to open so not to wake the whole flat up and the day we arrived she went to bed at 4pm after not sleeping much on the journey but in hindsight it was the best thing we could have done.

HTH, Katt  :)

Offline A_C

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Hi guys...thanks so much for all the advice.

Marie...we will be gone for 2 weeks and Sophia happens to be hyper sensitive when it comes to her routine.  What I have been doing so far is tweaking her schedule (so far so good...finger and toes crossed) and plan to do a compromise and have her schedule move forward 30-45 mins (rather than a whole hour) that way I'm not putting her down at 6:00 pm in AZ.
Although daylight savings is over a month away we would have to do this anyway (2 and a half weeks or so after we get back) ... so all I'd have to worry about at that point will be moving it up another 15-30 minutes...make sense? :-\
« Last Edit: September 29, 2007, 19:41:09 pm by Ana_Cristina »

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absolutely makes sense! I think you obviously know her best, a long transition to daylight savings sounds like a smart idea....Have fun visiting your mom! :-*

Offline A_C

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Thanks  :)

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