Hi Sari, we are really struggling too right now. and we have been on one nap for 4 months!
I put Noah to bed early last night (he was asking for it) he was asleep by 7pm, but then woke at 5:45( instead of 6:30)
he can tpyically handle about 5.25-5.5hrs. well I wasn't too happy with him having a 11am nap----I mean it seems so early!
so I thought ok, I'll do a 5min nap at 10:30, which he took,
I had him in his room at 12, and its 12:35 and he really does not want to sleep, I've already been in there once.
so I now think, probably I should have just done a 11:30 nap, because clearly him refusing a nap on a 5min am nap is not going to work!
anyway, I think probably go with a max A time of 5hrs (if not a little less) and see what happens!