Author Topic: 3.9 month old waking every 2-3 hrs...and weighs 20 pounds!  (Read 857 times)

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3.9 month old waking every 2-3 hrs...and weighs 20 pounds!
« on: September 28, 2007, 17:34:57 pm »
:o I'm nearing the end of my rope.  I have two children under two, and need to sleep to make it through the day!  My little guy is a dream baby in waking hours.  Smiles, coos, and is just too loveable.  He is already 20lbs at 3.9 months old, has two bottom teeth and can sit up on his own without support for 1-2 minutes.  It seems to me, a child of this size should be able to make it through an 8-10 hour stretch at best, or minimum 6 hours.  I've been on the easy plan since his birth- worked like a charm for my daughter, however I'm being challenged by this little guy.  He is transitioning to a 4 hour easy now, his wake time between naps is usually 1.5-2 hrs (includes feed, diaper change and play).  He falls asleep on his own, is not prop dependent (will take or leave a pacifier), and was breastfed until last week.  I've been weaning over the past two weeks and we are now in the final stages of weaning.  I think the problem is that he is not eating enough when he does eat.  He takes 4-5oz in a feed during the day (and won't take more) but overnight he'll down 7-8oz.  Gas bothers him a lot and I think was the reason for his waking.  Now he still has the gas, but seems to wake out of habit, although he will drink a full bottle.  I've experimented with pick up put down and was able to get him through an 8 hr stretch of not eating overnight, but he was waking every 1-2 hours crying.  His is not always making it through a cycle at nap time, but I've been doing the PUPD after failing to transition him until the next feed as Tracy suggests in her book (all this with a toddler at my feet).  I live in a haze of sleeplessness.  If anyone has any suggestions they are more than welcome!! :-\

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Re: 3.9 month old waking every 2-3 hrs...and weighs 20 pounds!
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2007, 21:04:59 pm »
Hi & welcome to the boards :)

How often do you actually feed him at night?

He could also be waking up from overtiredness. If he's had a short nap & you can't extend... is he still awake for 1.5-2hrs before the next nap or do you bring the whole day forward

What time does he wake & go to sleep? Can you give me an idea of what the last 2-3 days looked like?

Has this only started since the introduction of the formula? Could he be constipated & in pain or discomfort?

Sorry for all the questions.. just trying to get an idea of whats going on.

« Last Edit: September 29, 2007, 21:06:32 pm by Isabella&Jasmine's mum »

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