Bryony, apples did that to both my babes! Emily was allergic to them. (She started with apples, and then developed an allergy to every raw fruit she had by 15 months)
Jake's belly just cannot handle the fruit sugar, which is a laxative. He cannot handle pears either, and very few prunes and no juice at all. Vegetables are milder on the belly and very unlikely to be allergenic whereas fruits are more common allergens. (according to my doctor and leading allergy books) So I would stick to the veggies for being sneaky. Fruits that are milder and less likely to be an allergen: blueberries, papaya, starfruit.
Jake had pumpkin pie yesterday! I made it with formula, because his is organic and tastes good, I had some extra that was going to go bad, and I cannot have milk. I always use 1/3 of the milk called for anyway and add extra egg and pumpkin, I am a nutrition stickler. DH thought it was a good idea to give Jake some when I was in the shower. Now I know he can handle egg whites!
He loved it and ate a ton! He also grabbed my turkey off my plate, sucked on it and vomited (this was the first thing he ate, so he wasn't full, he was choking) And stole my broccoli which is not as mushy as his, and gagged it up. So.... no more stealing from mommy's plate, it doesn't work for us.
We figured out why he has been nursing constantly, sleepy and not eating much food. My medication! It is considered safe and I am on a low dose, so I am just trying to give him more formula and cut down on my medication both and see if it helps.
I made a new potato recipe yesterday and will post it soon!