Author Topic: 5 month old baby still wakes in the morning.  (Read 1245 times)

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Offline Diana1981

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5 month old baby still wakes in the morning.
« on: October 03, 2007, 02:54:31 am »
Hello. I have 5 month old baby who wakes up between 4:30 and 5 am everyday. I think he is just used to eating at that time because he eats for about 5  or 7 mins and falls asleep again. Also my husband wakes up every morning around 5am to go to work and because the baby still sleeps in our room he wakes up as well. Do I need to move him to his own room? Also, a few other times he wont sleep unless he is in my bed.  His usual bedtime hour at night is 10:30pm, wakes up around 5am and then sleep until 8am or so....I want him to sleep all night without waking up at 5am. There are also times he wakes up and starts talking and talking and when I pick him up he laughs and gets all excited. dont know what to do.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2007, 02:58:36 am by Diana1981 »

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Offline Layla

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Re: 5 month old baby still wakes in the morning.
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2007, 07:37:06 am »
Diana hi & welcome :)

Could you please post the rest of your schedule (naps, how many, how long & what time). Feedings as well please

There could be a couple of reasons he is waking up at 5am...
* your dh waking him up is certainly one of them..... I would consider shifting him to his own room & maybe get white noise so that outside noises don't disturb him
* bedtime seems a little late to me.... usually they do 10.5-11hrs at night at that age so it could be that something needs tweaking in his routine.
* sleeping in your bed could be a prop so that could be another reason he's waking up for that early morning cuddle
* waking up happy & talking is not all that bad... they all do it at some stage. Depends on how long he is awake for though... if its for hours maybe he's sleeping too much during the day (again if you post your routine that would answer that question)... or it could be that he doesn't know how to transition to the next sleep cycle (maybe he's waiting for you to pick him up & pop into your bed). Personally when my girls are up at night & talking I don't so anything about it. I am sure if I was to go in then they would want to play as well :-\.

Post back & we'll see if we can help you out
Layla :)

20/06/2012 - my angel baby

Offline Diana1981

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Re: 5 month old baby still wakes in the morning.
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2007, 19:27:14 pm »
Hello and thanks for your insight.

This is his schedule  more or less. He is not eating solids yet so his schedule may vary from day to day.

8am wakes up and breastfed
10am BF and catnap (only 40-50 min)
12pm BF
1-1:30pm nap again 45 min or so
       BF playtime
4-4:30 Bf and nap
6pm bath followed by breastfeeding
7:30-8pm falls asleep

after this  hour he will wake up, eat again and wait until my husband comes home from work around 9:20pm and will go to bed when we go to bed, and then wake up around 5am, but as I said he is still breastfed and his schedule changes a lot. These days im starting to impose a more structured schedule and last night he went to be around 9:30pm and woke up at 6am...YES!!!!!
 Oh and one last thing...I have discovered that he will only sleep long naps in the afternoon if I sleep with him or remain very close to him.

« Last Edit: October 04, 2007, 19:30:25 pm by Diana1981 »

As you become more clear about who you really are, you'll be better able to decide what is best for you - the first time around