I thought I was the only one....but, then I knew someone somewhere was having this same issue!!!! Thank God for company! hahahaha Well, DS is 27 months and was pretty much a good napper and sleeper at bedtime....; but the past 2 weeks have been absolute chaos here. I am not sure where my head is.

He was using the 'excuse' of having to go poopy to get out of napping and (we would have just finished going poopy)....(and there were times there was more and there were times he would end up playing around). I thought I was at my wits end! hahaha (not really funny) big sigh.

Well, then he figured out climbing out of the crib and opening the door and coming out...so, we changed the crib into a toddler bed, I got all new Mickey Mouse (yahoo) bedding, pillow etc...and even made a nice soft blanket for him (Mickey Mouse)...and made it exciting to sleep there....; the bed isn't the problem;
He STILL cries at nap time and says he needs to go poopy...but i put a lock on the bedroom door (the inside door), where he has to grasp to open it, and he hasn't learned that yet...so that keeps him in there. And, on occassion at night, he will wake up and say he needs to go poopy and cry and shout....
I have no idea what to do anymore or where to turn. I have been trying to read the posts, but didnt' find anyone stating this excuse - potty time;. This is so tough because we are going through potty training and I want to be able to support him if he has to go, but I get so frustrated with them simply being excuses to get out of going to bed. I am hoping it is just a phase and will end soon. I don't know what to do...I tried wi/wo for some time, but it seems every time I went in...he would be like 'one more story' ....and that would continue each time...(not that i read it to him)...
I hope you find some help...sorry I couldn't offer much help here...as I am in the same boat and hoping to find someone who responds to your post with some good advice.
I read about the no nonsense trip to the bathroom - but didn't understand what that meant actually....so hoping for clarification...and are you saying that after they get in bed, even though they just went to the bathroom, that they get one more trip?
Sitting here thinking, made me think about a bathroom pass like they do in school.. hahahaha Maybe, I should draw up a cute bathroom pass for him to use...and for him to keep it on his wall...and when he has to go...he can use it the one time..and then that is it for the nap time....no more passes..do not pass go...go straight to sleep!! hahahaha
Well, hoping to find some real answers...soon...as it is driving me insane. He too...gets too tired if he doesn't nap in the afternoon and I think it is too early for him to give it up...In my humble opinion.

Take care.