Oh good she got some sleep in today and great early to bed. Tonight might be better, I sure hope so, but she needs a few days to catch up.
During these transition periods, teething and OT days at this age, I tended to try and get DS to sleep the easiest so I did more of a GR. I would go in say my Mummy comfort things but mindful not to engage him, so like: "Shhh ok sweetie, night night time, Mummy go, mummy come back, love you." Then move away from cot but stay in the room with my back turned and wait a bit and then gradually leave and repeat as needed.
I think she may be ready to do the 1 nap and if you can get her to do that late catnap and bed still at 7 that is super until she is really ready. Of course it is tough with the teething thrown into the equation too.
~~~~~Sleepy vibes~~~~~
A x