Author Topic: 2yr old wont sleep in own bed  (Read 776 times)

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Offline allison1

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2yr old wont sleep in own bed
« on: October 05, 2007, 00:33:36 am »
Travis wont go to sleep in his own bed and stay there. he will go to sleep  in there if we lay down with him. But always wakes around 12-12:30am.Then he will come into our bed. We have put him back in his bed, but only stays there for a short time and is straight back into our bed.we have the same trouble with his daytime nap.Once he is asleep in the day, he will sleep for 3 hrs most of the time. He will go to sleep on the lounge,and then we put him to bed, but it takes a long time. Tried waking him after 1 1/2 hrs because we thought that might have something to do with it, but he wakes up so upset. If i put him in his bed and walk out, he screams his head off. He wont stop until i go in and lay with him. He will keep getting out of his bed and coming out. He use to be so good with going to bed, we had no trouble with him at all.This  all started happening since we had another baby.Noah is now 5 mths.Travis  is really good with him. This has been going on for too long. It is now starting to interfer with my husband and i's relationship. please help  :'(.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2007, 00:59:24 am by allison1 »

Offline Alison_3

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Re: 2yr old wont sleep in own bed
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2007, 00:41:57 am »
We really struggled with Ben's sleeping once baby brother arrived.  He kept getting out of his bed and yelling for us.  I put one of those covers on his door knob so he couldn't get out of his room and did wi/wo.   I know, mean mommy!  We also got new Thomas the Tank Engine bedding, made a big deal out of it, put glow in the dark stars on the ceiling in his room, etc.  Basically we made his room special for him.  I think Ben was picking up on the fact that we stay with Charlie for him to fall asleep, we rock him, hold him a lot, etc.  He was trying to get some attention! 

It was really interfering with getting Charlie to sleep in his own room because Ben was sooo loud upstairs at bedtime.  Now, baby brother goes to sleep first and I think that helped too. 

Whatever you decide to do, be consistent and you'll get there.  Ben now goes to sleep without any problem and sleeps through the night again no problem.  Maybe consider gradual withdrawal since Travis likes you to stay with him. 

It's so hard when you have to deal with a baby during the night AND a toddler!  Hang in there! 

