Today is the third day out of the last 5 that DS has not napped. He cheerfully amuses himself in his crib with brief lulls (during which I get my hopes up that he's fallen asleep, but nope) chatting, thumping his feet against the wall, throwing his lovies around, etc.
The first time it happened I believe it was because he got an extra hour of night sleep the night before and just wasn't tired enough. Yesterday and today, however, I'm totally baffled.
The only thing different is that it is the weekend, so DH is home and put him down rather than me.
To be fair, yesterday he did end up napping. After about 1.5 hours playing in his crib his cries became frustrated and started escalating, so I got him up. He always bf after his nap and so I bf him: he fell asleep while bf. I let him sleep on my lap, just so he wouldn't get into a wild OT cycle.
His normal routine is like this:
8:00 wake
1:00 nap (used to be 2 hours and 20 minutes, has turned into 90 minutes and seems to be stay there--or disappearing altogether
9:00 bed time
Am I right to just leave him be as long as he is content? Should I move his nap time? Earlier or later?
Edited to add: I went to get him after 2 hours today and discovered that he had turned on the light in his room. No way to move the crib further from the switch without putting by the window which would be less safe. The light being on probably didn't help his settling.
If he throws another crib party, will have to go peer under the door to see if he's managed to turn on the light.