I just reviewed the toddler portion sizes sticky. That is so helpful to put some perspective on this!
Meghan today had:
Breakfast: 4 oz milk, 1/2 cup mandarin oranges (I gave her some and then her sister sneaked her some extras. LOL), a few cheerios
Snack: water, breakfast bar and fruit juice snacks at the pool
Lunch: about 1.5 oz grilled chicken, 3 peas (
), 1/2 slice wheat bread, water
Snack after nap: 5 oz milk, 2 animal crackers, a few pieces of cereal
Dinner: a small salmon cake (made with celery and onion, so some veggies there), about 2 tablespoons of cooked/diced carrots
Bedtime snack: 3oz yogurt drink
So, she had plenty of the protein and fruits, and almost enough veggie and dairy groups, and not nearly the 6 grain servings (probably only had half of what she "should" have).
I have a question for you all-- how much liquids is your lo drinking each day?
Meghan probably has about 8-10 oz milk, 10 oz water and a 3 oz yogurt drink
Is that enough, do you think?