I have a 9 month old. She is an angel baby...at least she has been until recently. She has become very whiny and needy which is very unlike her. The main problem is the fact that for the occasional nap but mainly at night when we put her down, we know she is exhausted, but she will scream BLOODY MURDER!!!! Nothing seems to calm her down. What happened to our sweet, easy going baby? Is it something I did? What is wrong? I just dont know what to do. I change her, she screams. I feed her and put her down again, she screams. I take her for a car ride, she screams. I hold her and rock her. She is not sitting up in bed or standing up in bed, so I don't know if PU/PD applies. She was sick last week, and had a stomach bug earlier this week. Is that all it is? Will this pass? Is she having separation anxiety? She is on the EASY routine and does great with it. HELP!!!!!!!