I think my issue is that I'm running out of time in the evenings. He just started cereal so it can take anywhere from 30-45 min to get him to eat it. So if he wakes up at 5:10, I feed him immediately, which takes until almost 6. Then he has a bath which takes about 40 min (he gets medicene, likes to splash etc...) so now we're already at 6:40, then I feed until 7ish. Last night while I laid him down at 7, he was up until 7:40 almost (I think that might be OT too, but my little Goldilock's room temp was a touch too high as well, so that might have been a factor as well). He did sleep through the 12am waking though, and only woke up at 4am to feed. But then the little monkey was up and talking to himself from about 6-6:40 this morning (quietly at first, but then stared to rev up so I had to turn on his music) I think he finally went back to sleep by 6:45, but now it's almost 8 and he's not up! I'm going to have to wake him here soon, and that will just mean that he'll start his day out already tired... *sigh*