Hi there
I'll try to keep this brief...
DS is 33 months and has always been a brilliant sleeper. Over the last 6 weeks, he's gone from waking happily to sobbing upon waking and putting him to bed. Having tried a range of strategies, for the last week, I've done two things:
1 Cut down or out the lunchtime nap (if he has one, it's 1 hour only)
2 At bedtime, sit outside his door so that when he cries out, I can say, "shh, go to sleep". This seems to work really well and he falls asleep within 10 mins.
The problem is that for the last week he has started waking at night, calling out/crying. Up to 3 times a night. When this happens, I go straight in, rub his back, say, "shh, go to sleep". He might call out again, 15 mins later, so the same thing. He's wide awake, so I know it's not night terrors
Just wondering if someone can explain to me how this is going to stop the wakings? I know that it is a much kinder and reassuring way of sleep training....but is it also not teaching him that the second he wakes, if he shouts loud enough, Mum/Dad will come straight in....? How does the cycle break?
Am trying so hard to see things from his perspective.... I think he's feeling vulnerable at the moment and seems to be frightened of things (hoover, blender, monsters...) I think the older kids at daycare are doing monster play and DS is obviously quite scared. He now has a 25 watt lamp in his room and the door wide open (at his request).
Please can someone reassure me that it will work..... I am so so so tired and confused.
Would really love to hear from you...
Learner Mummy