Author Topic: Transitioning to Big Boy Bed but sleeping on floor!  (Read 1029 times)

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Transitioning to Big Boy Bed but sleeping on floor!
« on: October 18, 2007, 00:30:52 am »
We made the switch to a toddler bed for my DS five nights ago (we have baby #2 on the way in January).

We set up the toddler bed in his current room days before we made the switch & talked about how neat it was.  We allowed him to get in it and praised him when he did.

When we made the switch he hasn't asked about the crib at all.  I explained to him  that the crib was for babies and now we was a big boy and he would be able to sleep in a big boy bed etc. I asked him a few questions to see if he understood. 

He hasn't missed his crib at all and doesn't yearn to sleep in it.  He is just at the stage where this is different and he isn't used to it quite yet (from my observation).

Since the first night ds has done better each night , now not crying at all BUT he finds his way to the door of his room and falls asleep!

My heart aches.  I usually wake up a few times at night (gotta love the frequent trips to the bathroom) and move him back to his bed.  But without a doubt when he wakes at some point (no crying) he walks back over to the door and falls asleep.

I am not sure if there is a way to prevent this. He sleeps rather well for the transition at this point. 

Am I worrying about something that will fix itself in time or should I try and avoid this habit forming?

Any suggestions will help.  Thank you  :)

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Re: Transitioning to Big Boy Bed but sleeping on floor!
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2007, 00:37:50 am »
If it were me, I would leave him to sleeping on the floor. The way I see it is once they have a big bed... the whole room is a bed & in time he will learn (probably when he's uncomfortable on the floor) that a bed will be a little more comfortable to sleep in. I feel like its the same as them sleeping without a pillow or a blanket... something I could never do but they do for at least the 1st year & have no problems without it (my 2.5yo was introduced to a pillow a few months ago.

What about setting up a mattress on the floor instead...
« Last Edit: October 18, 2007, 00:39:43 am by Isabella&Jasmine's mum »

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Re: Transitioning to Big Boy Bed but sleeping on floor!
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2007, 00:41:29 am »
If it were me, I would leave him to sleeping on the floor. The way I see it is once they have a big bed... the whole room is a bed & in time he will learn (probably when he's uncomfortable on the floor) that a bed will be a little more comfortable to sleep in. I feel like its the same as them sleeping without a pillow or a blanket... something I could never do but they do for at least the 1st year & have no problems without it (my 2.5yo was introduced to a pillow a few months ago.

What about setting up a mattress on the floor instead...

Ditto.  A friend of mine's little girl did this for a month or so.  My friend left her alone and eventually she just started staying in the bed all night and it just fixed itself.

Tracy  :-*
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Re: Transitioning to Big Boy Bed but sleeping on floor!
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2007, 02:35:55 am »
Thank you so much! This really helps me. That is a good point in regards to the pillow and blanket. I feel better about leaving him.

Offline bsparki73

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Re: Transitioning to Big Boy Bed but sleeping on floor!
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2007, 20:36:06 pm »
We're having this exact problem....but sometimes when he wakes & comes to the door he then starts yelling out through the gap underneath & wakes the whole house! He's not getting enough sleep at the moment though either (waking at 5.30am thank goodness Day Light Savings starts next week!!!!) and Oscar usually wakes at night when he's overtired.

We do have a mattress on the floor but not making much difference because it's the door he wants to be near (or us I guess who he knows are on the other side!!!).

I must admit though.....this has been the most stressful transition in his short life so far!!!

How's your lo going with it?

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Re: Transitioning to Big Boy Bed but sleeping on floor!
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2007, 01:10:09 am »
I have to agree this transition has been one of the most stressful.  I thought for a moment that my son may have had a bad association linked to his toddler bed (he fell out of it twice with just a partial bedrail on) so I moved his bed as close to the bedroom door as possible and at the side of the bed that wasn't next to the wall I placed his play yard and installed a larger bedrail.  I also kind of blocked his path to the doorway. 

This may sound cruel to many, but it worked for my son.  When he realized he could not get out of bed he fussed for a few minutes and fell asleep.  In less than three nights he went down without a fuss. Naps were a little harder, but we knew they would be.  He stopped fussing after a week and a half or so with naps.  I then waited and slowly moved his baracade away.  I had it to where I would just lay him down like I used to in the crib and walk out.

BUT with a little one on the way in two months we have had to move him to a new room. Last night was his first night and I placed the play yard next to his bed.  His bed is not currently next to the door but I am thinking of moving it there. When we put him down he fussed for a minute trying to see if he could get out, but then settled and went to bed and only woke a 1/2 hour early. Naptime was a different story because he could see where the play yard was so he knew how to manuever it and come to the door and lay down and whine for a few minutes until he fell asleep.

I may have just left him when we were dealing with it in the first room, but he started getting sick from the draft on the floor (no matter how many clothes I put on him at night).

So we will see how he does tonight.

I know this method that has worked for me will not work for everyone (nor will everyone agree with it).  But maybe moving his bed closer to the door may help (if it already isn't).  Sleep is such a huge issue especially if there is less of it and it is waking EVERYONE up.

Good luck to you.  I am really curious as to what will work for you.  Any ideas are especially welcome here.


Offline Love Being a Mom

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Re: Transitioning to Big Boy Bed but sleeping on floor!
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2007, 19:12:48 pm »
Update of last night and current nap. 

My lo went down sweetly last night, but we don't usually has a problem.  He did wake a little earlier this morning, but I can handle that for now. 

Once we transitioned him into a big bed, every time I would come into the room in the morning (once he was awake) I would praise him and commend him for sleeping in his big boy bed.  Then I have tried to stay in his room to play or chat or do whatever for  a little bit.  If we have needed to eat right away I try to come back to his room and sit while he plays.  If he wants me to interact I get involved.  If not I just sit and think or read or look at my huge to do list for the day :)

We spent a  lot of time in his room today playing.

When we are not in his room these last two days he has asked for me to come and play with him in it. 

I prepared his room for naptime today.  I told him we were going to take a nap and there was no whining from him...then I stood holding him and patted his back for a minute (he started patting mine signaling to me that he wanted his patted) then I gave him a kiss and laid him in bed.

He didn't pop up. He laid there silent no whinning etc.

This may be an accident, but I took a huge sigh of relief, for today.

Just wanted to update you. Good Luck.