Update of last night and current nap.
My lo went down sweetly last night, but we don't usually has a problem. He did wake a little earlier this morning, but I can handle that for now.
Once we transitioned him into a big bed, every time I would come into the room in the morning (once he was awake) I would praise him and commend him for sleeping in his big boy bed. Then I have tried to stay in his room to play or chat or do whatever for a little bit. If we have needed to eat right away I try to come back to his room and sit while he plays. If he wants me to interact I get involved. If not I just sit and think or read or look at my huge to do list for the day

We spent a lot of time in his room today playing.
When we are not in his room these last two days he has asked for me to come and play with him in it.
I prepared his room for naptime today. I told him we were going to take a nap and there was no whining from him...then I stood holding him and patted his back for a minute (he started patting mine signaling to me that he wanted his patted) then I gave him a kiss and laid him in bed.
He didn't pop up. He laid there silent no whinning etc.
This may be an accident, but I took a huge sigh of relief, for today.
Just wanted to update you. Good Luck.