Author Topic: Almost 10 m/o with recent NWs???  (Read 4102 times)

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Re: Almost 10 m/o with recent NWs???
« Reply #30 on: October 31, 2007, 17:10:22 pm »
You know, Leslie, the walking around the corner may be why she's having the NWings. They also say that when babies are on the cusp of a new developmental leap they start NWings. So that could be it!

I am THRILLED to hear that she slept 13 hours! Poor muffin! I'm sure she is so tired! Also, I'm glad to hear thta you are glad that I am stumped!  :) You are not a failure. This has nothing to do with you and everything to do with her. You are here to guide and teach your daughter. Just because she has another agenda doesn't mean that your aren't patiently leading her in a helpful direction. It will just take lots of patience on your part. PC parenting, remember! Patience and consistency.

You are doing a GREAT job! Think back to when you first started posting - two weeks ago, right? And she's slept through the night!  :D Maybe b/c she was OT, but take the victory where you can! Maybe that night sleep will keep translating into day sleep, then night sleep, then day sleep!

Let me know how you both get on!


Offline lesorl

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Re: Almost 10 m/o with recent NWs???
« Reply #31 on: October 31, 2007, 22:31:15 pm »

Thanks for the vote of confidence...

Can I impose on you a little more and ask what your thoughts are about today:

6:47am Awake
S 10:02am-10:52am
S 2:26pm-3:24pm
Bedtime 6:30pm

I would have liked to put her to bed earlier, but if she gets more than 40 mins sleep, she's up for awhile.

Do I need to extend 1st A time to get a decent 1st nap, and then give her a catnap later (not enough time for a good 2nd nap)?  Or do I need to shorten it so I can get a decent 2nd nap (and hopefully it won't interfere with bedtime)?

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Re: Almost 10 m/o with recent NWs???
« Reply #32 on: November 01, 2007, 02:55:46 am »

It's no imposition. I am happy to help!

Your day looks as close to perfect as it could be - for you.  ;D

Awake just over three hours in the AM, 3.5 in the middle and then 3 at night. I wouldn't have done anything differently, to tell you the truth. Now we are talking about your peanut here. That wouldn't be enough sleep for my girls. But how do you feel that she did?

I find that their 2nd naps don't interfere with bedtime. Do you find that it does for you?

When you say you would have liked to put her to bed earlier, do you mean for the night? So she would have slept forty minutes and then woken up for a while?

How did you feel today went? How was she? I forgot to ask - she is always happy and chatty when she wakes from naps, right? I'm going to have to go back and read your previous posts to see how she's doing at night.

Be back,

Offline lesorl

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Re: Almost 10 m/o with recent NWs???
« Reply #33 on: November 01, 2007, 18:15:00 pm »

I think she was fine yesterday, and slept through the night again, 6:30pm-6:30am (YAY).

But this morning after 3.5 hours A time, she slept 32 mins (I tried putting her in at 3 hours 15 mins, but she wasn't having it- I heard a cry and went into her room, once she saw me she was up).  And this afternoon, she was awake 3 hours 20 mins before she would take a nap.  So I'm expecting a short one.

I meant I would have liked to put her to bed before 6:30pm, but after she slept almost an hour in the afternoon, she'll stay awake 3 hours before she'll sleep again.

She'll be 10 mos tomorrow, and I have yet to figure her out!!!!

Thanks again for all your help,

Offline Bryony

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Re: Almost 10 m/o with recent NWs???
« Reply #34 on: November 01, 2007, 19:25:42 pm »
Leslie - sounds great! 

You'll never figure her out - my mother says she still hasn't figured me out yet...!


You only really know what love is when you become a parent

Offline rob1lu2

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Re: Almost 10 m/o with recent NWs???
« Reply #35 on: November 02, 2007, 01:43:03 am »
You'll never figure her out - my mother says she still hasn't figured me out yet...!


Well, sleeping through the night is great! That's what we want, right? Now, it's a shame that she's a terrible day sleeper. Leslie, do you think this was just a blip? The NWings? Just curious? I mean, two nights of sleeping through the night doesn't mean we necessarily have it licked. I'm just wondering what you think...

Let us know how tonight goes,



Offline lesorl

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Re: Almost 10 m/o with recent NWs???
« Reply #36 on: November 02, 2007, 13:03:01 pm »
Lu and Byrony,

Last night we had 3 NWs between 8pm and 9pm (would you count them as the same NW, as she never went to sleep b/w them?), so she's definitely OT.  And last night's bedtime was 6pm- I guess tonight will be 5:30pm.

I think now I'm putting her down to late for a nap, after she shows tired signs.  So what I thought were decent naps (>37 mins) were actually OT naps.  I was just so happy she was sleeping longer- didn't realize it was from exhaustion.

This morning she woke at 6:15am, and was falling asleep at her bottle at 8:45am, so I put her straight to bed.  Hopefully it wasn't too late.

Thanks again for all the help!!!


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Re: Almost 10 m/o with recent NWs???
« Reply #37 on: November 02, 2007, 14:30:36 pm »

I think Bryony and I have both said that any nap shorter than 45 minutes is OT. I'm glad you put her to sleep right away. That's what she needs!

You said she woke 3 X from 8-9, but what about the rest of the night? How did she do?

You may not necessarily need to put her down at 5:30 tonight, but you may need to try to squeeze more naps in if you can. I know she usually resists, but...

Let us know how it goes!


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Re: Almost 10 m/o with recent NWs???
« Reply #38 on: November 02, 2007, 14:32:52 pm »
same thing happeneing here
my LO is 8 months and up every night from 2-4 and then 5-6. its really taking its toll on me. his naps are short and i am trying to catch him up so he is not overtired for night time. so far its not working. i feel very frustrated.
hope this ends soon for all of us...

Offline rob1lu2

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Re: Almost 10 m/o with recent NWs???
« Reply #39 on: November 02, 2007, 14:37:33 pm »

I know you are frustrated. I'm so sorry! Hugs to you and I promise, I am here to help you as much as I can!
