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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #210 on: November 26, 2007, 19:10:32 pm »
Weird, my LO went down for a nap at 9.50am and woke at 11.53am today ! Now, given that he woke at 6am today do I try for a 6pm bedtime or limit it to 5.30pm latest ?

Just not sure and I don't want to mess up.

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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #211 on: November 26, 2007, 20:23:40 pm »
new mum-

i think we all agree... we'd be lost without you!  thanks again for sticking around- i know i so appreciate the advice.

and can i say AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGHHHHHHHH.  Last night we did PD for 45 mins, went to sleep at 5:47pm, and was screaming and 9:47pm.  1 PD and an hour later, b2s until 5:53am.  Again, 1 PD, but I don't know if she went b2s.  Out of crib at 6:20am.

Nap 1 on daddy- 9:25am-10:31am
Nap 2- we were on the way home and she fell asleep about 5 mins from home, at about 1:12pm.  I thought I had more time- and instead of only a 5 min nap, I kept driving around.  40 mins later she was awake.

I guess another 5pm bedtime is in order.

Do you get a good sleeper the 2nd time around?


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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #212 on: November 26, 2007, 20:26:08 pm »
jmoran - I would always aim to give them the chance to sleep 11-12hrs at night.  If you find that putting them to bed at 5.30 leads to 4.30 wake up then you can safely say they only need 11hrs at night in which case you will need to give them a 13hr day or at least a 12.5hr day with 30Min's to get to sleep.  If this proves to be the case then you will need to continue to try to squeeze in a catnap, but I think you may be surprised and find they sleep longer at night for getting to bed in good time.  When shifting their day, you shift it by 10Min's a day.  So first you stretch the first A time by 10Min's, you give them breakfast & bottle 10Min's later than normal and any snack 10Min's later than normal.  then everything else bottles and meals will all be 10Min's later than usual, including bedtime.  You repeat this every day or if necessary every 2/3days, Its important that their meals & bottles all shift with their sleep as all these things are markers to their body clock about what comes next and when.  Slowly as bedtime creeps later and later so the mornings should follow, until both wake up & bedtime are 7am/7-7.30pm.  I have advised this many times, not sure if anyone else has tried it or not but it worked like a charm for Lily.

Amy - To get her over the OT I would let her sleep as much as you can during the day without it affecting her bedtime if she is unwell this could be tricky. If you find that by cutting her am nap and having a long pm nap pushes bedtime too late, that could be why your wake ups are getting earlier as it seems most LO's have a time past which will lead to guaranteed early wake up, for us its 7.15pm anything later than that will almost always lead to an early wake up.  If this is the case then I would let her sleep as long as she wants in the am and aim for a late catnap of 30Min's and put her down no more than 12-12.5hrs after wake up.  I think a lot of the problem with this transition is that because of the reduced amount of sleep they will take it is very hard to get over OT and OT can happen so easily.  Something else I've definitely noticed, in DD and other LO's is that AP and props can really become a big problem at this transition.  I became DD prop, she needed me there to get to sleep or to get back to sleep if she woke up.  For you I would say that the paci could be causing problems too.  One last thing, Lily like your DD has always tended to wake in the evening for NW's, if only slightly OT at bedtime she will wake after 45Min's or 1hr 30Min's or sometimes every 45Min's for several hours, but I have found that providing she gets to bed earlier than I think she needs, these evening wakings don't happen.  Quite often it helps her to have just 11.5hr day and she still wakes up at 7am or sometimes 7.30am.  When her routine is perfect for her (which has happened for several periods only to be mucked up with routine change) we get no evening wakings 7pm bedtime and 7am wake up.  Sorry I was too late to answer your question re todays routine but I would say after 1.5hr nap she will prob go about 3.5hrs to next nap, thats where I would of started from.

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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #213 on: November 26, 2007, 20:33:03 pm »
Deb, did you get a catnap in this pm if not give the 5.30 bedtime, that way if its too early at least by the time she sleeps at bedtime she wont be OT, fingers crossed  :)

Leslie, I've been there too. DD birthday was hoping she would get a am nap in car on way to zoo, she fell asleep just as we saw the turning for zoo  ::) so we drove past and kept going for another 15mins then drove back to zoo and kept engine running to keep her asleep, managed to get 45mins out of her, was better than nothing  ;)

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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #214 on: November 26, 2007, 21:24:57 pm »
New Mum, you deserve a medal for working so hard for us all. Thanks so much !

My LO didn't catnap today but I did put him in his crib for 30 mins. after 3.5 hrs (he was fussy so I thought it worth a try) and he talked/chewed his blankie for 30 mins. He's down at 5.30pm for the night so we'll see how long he needs o'night. You suggested 5-7 days for a routine to bed down before moving forward (I did go back and see how you said to try it...think my LO needs 2-3 days for each extension as his corrected age is 11 months this week).

Thanks again for being such a trooper    :-*
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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #215 on: November 26, 2007, 22:04:56 pm »
Deb sorry got his sex wrong, was calling him a she  :-[

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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #216 on: November 27, 2007, 00:17:26 am »
 newmum- you're the best!  you are keeping me sane on days like today.  thanks for your thoughtful replies and patience in answering all of our questions.

You suggested keeping the long a.m. nap and then a catnap if long p.m. naps are affecting bedtime.  I actually don't think they are, as far as I can tell.  When napping well, she's down about 7:15 or 7:30.  On short nap days, sometimes between 6:15 and 6:45.  Regardless, no noticable change in nw's or a.m. wake time - often it's 6:45 on the nose.  So, with that said, would you still suggest keeping a.m. nap long or cutting that one short and hoping for long p.m. nap?  Or is it 6 of one and 1/2 dozen of the other?  She goes down like an angel baby for a.m. nap and usually fights p.m. nap or refuses altogether.  But maybe that's b/c I need to shorten a.m. nap even more.  Or maybe she needs longer A time before p.m. nap.  No wonder my head spins with all of this. 

So today... my dd ended up sleeping 1.75 hrs this a.m., waking at 11:30.  A near record for her!  I also thought about 3 or 3.5 hours of A time, so when I got a yawn at 2:45 (3.25 hrs A), I tried for p.m. nap.  Refused.  Tried again an hour later.  Refused.  Tried again at 4:30 (1/2 hour later), by which time she was so OT it's not surprising it didn't take.  So, gave her an early dinner and had her in bed for the night at a tad after 5:30. (I was feeling like quite a bad mum by this point, as I likely missed the right window for the catnap or maybe didn't let her fuss/mantra cry long enough or didn't do PD as perhaps should have.)

I go back and forth on the prop issue.   Ugh!  Now that it's such an ingrained part of her sleep pattern, I fear taking it away would mean weeks of PD and extreme OT.

Thanks for listening to this vent of a post.  dd isn't the only one in this house who gets an early bedtime tonight!  ;)



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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #217 on: November 27, 2007, 11:07:03 am »
These early starts mess up my head when planning a 1-nap, Bubba woke at 5.15am today (down at 5.30pm last night) and I'm thinking I'll be going backwards if I put him down at 9.15am for a nap. Even if he sleeps 2 hrs that'll make a late bedtime by 5/5.30pm.

Shouldn't I try for 10am instead and break up the day better ?

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Offline jmoran544

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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #218 on: November 27, 2007, 12:18:35 pm »
Ladies, I need quick advice. I put the kiddos down to sleep at 6pm last night. Ds and dd woke at 4:45am- I was worried about that. It took all the will power I had that early in the morning to leave them alone (they were talking and playing mostly). They fell back to sleep after 45 min and woke up at 7am. So now what do I do for the rest of the day?!

Yesterday's schedule:

5:30 wake
10:30 nap (ds slept 1:20, dd 1:30)
6:00 asleep

wake today 4:45, asleep 5:30, wake 7am

*the schedule I would like for them is something like 6:30/ 7 am wake, 12/12:30/1:00 nap, 7/7:30 asleep

Offline lesorl

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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #219 on: November 27, 2007, 12:24:41 pm »
Good morning girls!

Finally- a small victory.  M slept from 4:50pm to 6am last night.  I'm sure it did a world of good.  Last day of hubby holding her for naps, and hopefully we'll have another good night of sleep.

Amy123- I haven't been keeping up on your days, but my lo also uses a paci.  Does she use it only at naps and bedtime?  I find that my lo usually falls asleep with it, but if she's not OT, she won't need it the rest of her sleep.  If she's OT, she needs it more.  Don't know if that happens with your lo, but I thought I'd give you another perspective.


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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #220 on: November 27, 2007, 12:27:32 pm »

i'm certainly no expert, but if they went back to sleep until 7am, I would use that as their wake up time, and give them the nap at 12 noon.  my lo sometimes wakes early and if she goes back to sleep, i can't put her down at her usual nap time.

i'm sure new mum will respond soon with better advice!


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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #221 on: November 27, 2007, 13:11:12 pm »
Hi ladies.

This is my first post here so I hope you don't mind me jumping in. I'm very confused and frustrated right now. My DD will sleep around 40-50 mins in the AM (at around 8:30) and then about 1.5 hrs in the PM (around 12:30). The trouble is is that she seems to want to go to bed at 8 when her PM nap ends at 2. That just seems like an awfully long time for her to be awake. Then, she'll sleep 10 hours at night (short, no? She's onlyh 11 months old) and then EW at 6. Help!! I'm not quite sure how to reconcile her naps/night sleeping.

« Last Edit: November 27, 2007, 13:42:50 pm by Jammer »

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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #222 on: November 27, 2007, 15:14:04 pm »
Amy - Whether to give the long am nap and offer late catnap or cut the am nap and keep long pm nap is a judgement call only you can make, its really up to which you feel would best suit your LO's sleeping patterns.  If as you said a 30min nap in am results in a 1.5hr pm nap then I would probably go with this, especially if a long am nap tends to lead to total nap refusal in pm.

Deb - thats why I suggest that once you get him on a fixed nap schedule and it seems to be working, even if it does mean his day starts and ends at 5am-5.30pm, then you can move the day back up to a better start and end time.  The main benefit of having there day start at 7am, apart from being easier to cope with is that it is then much easier to give a super early bedtime of 6pm as and when needed.  I found that with Lily's day starting so early and ending at 5/5.30pm I just couldn't get her down for an early night.

Jmoran  - I would treat it like they woke up at 7am, but with allowances for the fact that they had an interupted nights sleep, just not too much allowance as in all they got a total of 12.15hrs so a really good amount of sleep.  If you keep this up I think that early wake & play may die a death  :)  The schedule you would like is spot on and it will happen, you just need to be patient and let this transition ride out then I promise it will get better.

Leslie  ;D about night sleep, plus your advice to jmoran was ;D

Jammer, hello and welcome.  10hrs is a short night, its not unheard of, some LO's will only need a 10hr night but for her age I would expect her to need more.  She is definitely going to long in the pm before bedtime.  You can do 1 of several things really.  You could cut her am nap to 30Min's and have her down for next nap 2.5-3hrs later which should bring next nap down and hopefully bring bedtime down.  Or you can slightly push her am nap later and hope nap gets longer then just give a catnap before bedtime.  Personally I think I would try cutting the am nap down to 30Min's and see what effect this has.  If you can shorten the last A time her wake up time may improve.

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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #223 on: November 27, 2007, 18:03:36 pm »
I put the kiddos down at 11:30- they couldn't make it to 12:00 today (they woke at 4:45am, stayed awake for 45 min, then back to sleep until 7am). Ds slept 1:10, dd slept 1:20. So what is the going A time before bed tonight? Can they go to bed at 6:30, or is that too late (they woke at 12:40pm and 12:50 pm respectively)?

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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #224 on: November 27, 2007, 22:55:55 pm »
jmoran- i think i'm too late, but i would have put them down earlier than 6:30pm, maybe 6pm.  How long is their 1st nap when they wake at 5:30am?

I had a stellar day (with naps on daddy again)...

6am Awake
S 9:30am-10:15am (too early for 1st nap?)
S 1:30pm-3pm
Bedtime 6pm

Though I'm not naive enough to think this will happen 2 days in a row.  We'll see how tonight goes!