Author Topic: Strange night waking.  (Read 779 times)

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Offline lizziec

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Strange night waking.
« on: October 20, 2007, 07:47:32 am »
My 4 month old has started waking at 2-3 am most nights, though some nights has slept till 7am.
He is in bed for 7 with a DF at 10, weighs 16lbs and drinks at least 30-35 oz of formula per day on 4 hr easy.
Some nights he wakes, others he doesn't, he did sleep through for a whole week last week.
Some nights he drinks 2 oz, others 4 oz.
He goes back to sleep after being fed until 7am.
He has a cough/cold at the moment and has started sleeping for longer periods during the day, any advice please?

Offline Bryony

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Re: Strange night waking.
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2007, 13:36:19 pm »

hi there!  Can you let us know what your daytime routine is, both pre-cold and currently with the cold.  When did the night wakings start in relation to the cold?

If we can see your routine hopefully we will be able to help


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Offline lizziec

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Re: Strange night waking.
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2007, 16:52:16 pm »
7am wakes
7.30 feeds 7 oz
9.00 sleeps 30 mins
9.30 plays for 30 mins
10-11.30 sleeps
11.30 feeds 7 oz
1.00pm sleeps 1 hour
3.30 feeds 7 oz
4.30 naps 20 mins
wind down play/into sleeping bag/story
6.30 feeds up to 9 oz
7pm bed

was sleeping until 7 am with a DF at 11pm ish (where 3/4oz is drunk)

now wakes at 2.30, not particularly hungry, might take a couple of ounces, goes back off to sleep until 7am


Offline Bryony

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Re: Strange night waking.
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2007, 18:37:23 pm »
Hi Lizzie

Hmmm, it doesn't really sound like hunger, although I think there is growth spurt around that time so it *could* be - but sounds like he's feeding really well in the day and isnt' that interested when he wakes at night.  Have you tried settling him back to sleep at night without feeding him?

I am wondering about overtiredness as his total daytime sleep is a bit short for his age - and an A time of 2hrs 10 mins after a 20 min nap seems rather long to me - why only 20 mins? Can he have longer - up to 45 mins, and/or an earlier bedtime?

Out of interest - why does he have a 30 min nap first thing? Does he wake after 30 mins or is this to fit in around school runs or something?

I would see if you can get a bit more daytime sleep in, and see if that helps...  or could it be due to the cold?


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