Hi all. I have been reading The Baby Whisperer Solves All your Problems, and love Tracys ideas on the gradual process, but I have trouble with it. Declan has always woken up several times during the night, and needed help going to sleep. We currently pat him to sleep, and wait until hes asleep before leaving the room. I have been trying to just be in the room with him, and not pat him, but he doesnt go to sleep. He rolls around in his cot, laughs at me, plays with his curtain, gets tangled in his blanket. Anything, but sleep. So a boy that is tired when I put him down and would take 5-20 minutes to be patted to sleep, completely wakes himself up and I end up having to pat him to sleep anyway- which always takes longer because he has woken himself up so much more while playing in his cot. Anyone have any suggestions? I only have 3 months to go of this pregnancy, and am willing to try anything to get him to go to sleep on his own- hopefully making him self settle in the middle of the night also... Thanks heaps for any advice.