Author Topic: How long shh/pat before they learn on their own?  (Read 3362 times)

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Re: How long shh/pat before they learn on their own?
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2007, 02:02:12 am »
Did you ever think that he just grew out of it by the time he was 12 weeks and by that time he was just old enough to sooth himself? 

i think that by 12 weeks he was more capable of soothing himself, because he had learned how to sleep independantly wih the pat-shush.

HOW did you do it?? 

LOL... i guess im a bit of an obssesive person... LOL

Was it every nap?? When did the time decrease??
Nope i wasnt all the naps, mostly in the afternoons and the evenings. The time decreased at 9 weeks old... i think he started to get the point that i was not going to hold him or anything...
[img width= height=][/img]  [img width= height=][/img]

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Re: How long shh/pat before they learn on their own?
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2007, 02:54:52 am »
I don't think its something they grow out of. If you never take the time to sleep train & rock them to sleep for 3 months... they will still need to be rocked to sleep after 3 months. At 3 months they do start self soothing much better than what a newbotn would.... when you are shh/patting them they find that something to calm themselves down (rubbing their ear or sucking on their thumb or playing with their hair). I would try not to look at the time frame.... do what you can when you can. Try to do as many naps with shh/pat as you can in the cot/bassinette. Helping him out where you can is ok too.

I know the feeling of "this will never work" but it will... you just have to be patient. Try not to put a time frame on sleep training. Some babies take a few months & some a few weeks.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2007, 02:59:46 am by Isabella&Jasmine's mum »

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Re: How long shh/pat before they learn on their own?
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2007, 12:15:43 pm »
I would try not to look at the time frame.... do what you can when you can. 

I know the feeling of "this will never work" but it will... you just have to be patient. Try not to put a time frame on sleep training. Some babies take a few months & some a few weeks.

coudn't agree more :D
[img width= height=][/img]  [img width= height=][/img]

Offline deckchariot

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Re: How long shh/pat before they learn on their own?
« Reply #18 on: October 25, 2007, 13:16:32 pm »
I really do think it was the long hard bit of teaching to sleep with shh/pat that made the difference with my dd.  We did it for every nap time and for bedtime.  For bedtime, she got it first (probably around 8 weeks we started to lessen the shh/pat time, and by 10 weeks, she was going down on her own), with naptime, it was probably 10 weeks before we started to lessen the shh/pat time and a couple weeks after that before she was down without any shh/patting for all 3 naps (she did the morning nap first, and then picked up the other two).  Now she always goes down on her own (no shh/pat), and our on again, off again battle is with nap extension.  Here's what we did:

wind down - upstairs, diaper change, swaddle, close blinds, sit in rocker, read a story, rock a bit and talk about naptime, naps are good etc., put her up on my shoulder, start shh/patting until either she was calm or was arching her back and kicking, then put her in the crib on her side and continue shh/patting til she closed her eyes.  In the beginning, we'd keep shh/patting for 20 min after she fell asleep, then we'd gradually taper off the shhing and then the patting, and then we'd leave.  Gradually (over a period of weeks), we'd lessen the time we stayed shh/patting in her crib after she fell asleep.  Sometimes, it would take us a LONG time to get her to sleep in the crib, often we thought she was asleep, so we'd start our "20 min", only to have her wake and we'd start over.  We'd do 40 min at a time, if she was still awake, we'd get her out of the crib, sit in the rocker and rock for 10 min to take a break, then back at it for another 40 min, then we'd just start her next EAS cycle if she hadn't gone to sleep yet.  It was hard...really hard.  But you have to be committed to it going in.  If you can't do it for every nap, it will take longer.  But I would commit to doing it as faithfully as you can for as many naps as you can.  Usually, we were way more flexible on the catnap.  The first nap is usually the easiest to get first (after bedtime).  I remember my mom sitting down with me and dh when we were really frustrated saying "we can do this....we've worked so hard, and she is getting it, we can't give up now or all that hard work is for nothing".  I found the less I wondered "how long will I have to do this" the better it went for me.  I had to say "this is how it goes right will pay off, right now it's just going to be really hard....she's just a wee thing and doesn't know how to put herself to sleep"  My whole life as a parent is full of teaching her things, and it started with sleep training.

Please hang in there.  It is hard.  But I can honestly say that it was completely worth it.  I have a baby who goes to sleep on her own without CIO and has since she was about 3 mos old.  Not a lot of moms can say that.  It does work!

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Re: How long shh/pat before they learn on their own?
« Reply #19 on: October 26, 2007, 15:37:36 pm »
one thing that jumped out at me was your description of how your baby behaves when you swaddle.  Mine also seems to resist the swaddle and also seems to 'fight' being in my arms but I believe she is just a little frantic at being so tired and that it is even more important for me to swaddle and hold her at these times.  I'm not sure this is the case with your lo but it might be.    I'm finding that I get better at doing pat/shh the way that she wants me to the more I do it - I'm adapting my technique to what works best for her so don't be afraid to experiment a little.

Also, I saw somewhere on these boards that it isn't worth doing pat/shh for more than 45 min and at that point it might be that your lo is hungry and a feed might be wanted. 

Keep us posted!

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Re: How long shh/pat before they learn on their own?
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2007, 00:24:17 am »
hi there
we shh shh pated our daughter, she is too old now.
It took about 3 weeks of doing it in the middle of the night to teach her to sleep through and nap times were different.
Some days 5 min of sh pat and she was off others 1 min others 20 mins.
But at 5 months no shh pat was necessary and she sleeps.
Its soooo worth it!!!!!

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Re: How long shh/pat before they learn on their own?
« Reply #21 on: October 29, 2007, 02:25:05 am »
Thanks everyone. I'm still hanging in there! Your support is great, ESPECIALLY when i'm frustrated!  The weekends are nice because my dh is here to help!  One week down and I think that it is getting better.

Offline deckchariot

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Re: How long shh/pat before they learn on their own?
« Reply #22 on: October 29, 2007, 14:31:59 pm »
YEAH!!!  I'm glad things are going a bit better!  This really is the hardest so does get better.  Hang in there!!!!!