Hi! DS is nearly 2 and has in the past few months been sleeping great after nws and AP! WI/WO fixed it really well. Anyway, there are quite a few mornings now when he will wake at 6am which means he is whacked by 11.30. When he goes to bed this late i let him sleep until 2pm (2.5 hours) and then wake him so that bedtime is not too early and therefore another early wake! However, he will still wake at 6am, meaning that we are back in the cycle again. Sometimes he will wake in the night and therefore sleep in until we wake him at the latest 7.30. I know the nap is long but if I wake him earlier, he will need to go to bed early etc. Any ideas?
He tends to follow one of the following routines depending on wake time;
wake 6am
nap 11.30-2
bed 7.15
asleep latest 7.45
back awake at 6am!
wakes in the night for some reason
so we wake in the morning at 7.30 latest
nap 12.30-2
bed 7
asleep by 7.30
BTW: If he does wake in the night or VERY early he puts himself back to sleep but if he wakes at 6 then he very rarely goes back to sleep. When he does wake, he usually chats to himself and is quite happy until we get him out of bed about 7ish.