My son is 10.5 months, and has slept through the night only a dozen times. He goes to bed at 7:30-8:00, has a well-established routine during the day, but wakes up EVERY night, between 3:30 and 4:30 to eat. I have tried pu/pd and shh/pat to get back to sleep, but the only thing that works is a bottle. He eats an 8 oz bottle every night a tthis time, then rolls over and sleep until 7am. We also give a dream feed every night, but he is inconsistent about the amount he eats during the DF- sometimes 2 oz, sometimes up to 8. How do we stop the night feeds? I would love to get a but more sleep. He is 26 pounds, but no means underweight, eats plenty during the day. How can he still be hungry all the time??
Also, last week, started to stay awake after the 4:30 feed. He babbles, LOUDLY in his crib for about 45 minutes, then starts to cry for me to come in. I tried going in earlier than he wakes up to wake to sleep, but then he;s up and hungry earlier. It did nothing to reset his clock. We're not teething, or sick, and have made no changes to his routine. I don't know what could be causing this. Any other parent out there having a similar problem? I refuse to listen to him cry at night. I give him a few minutes to settle, but then I go in. Should I wait longer?
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