We moved our 30 month old DS to a big boy bed. He has settled in very well, he calls out sometime when I've tucked him in, but I just stand at the door and say" It's nightime, go bye byes, night night" and he'll say "night night Mummy" and that's it. But he has gone from waking between 7.15-7,30am to just before 6.00am and today it was 5.30am! He's wide awake and totally ready to start his day....I'm not though!
His routine is like this:
5.30-6.00 wake
7.00-7.30 breakfast
9.00 - Either playgroup until 12.15 or we go out in the car/walk somewhere
11.30 lunch
12.30 nap - I don't let him sleep past 2.00pm. Sometimes he'll go off straight away and wake up himself after 1 hour, or he'll play in hus bed and drop off about 1.15pm and I wake him at 2.00pm still.
Play during afternoon/walk to park
5.30 - 6.00pm Dinner
7.00 Go up to bed and read stories. He's normally asleep by 7.30pm
Please can somebody help! I can't handle these very early mornings! When the clocks go back he'll be waking at 4.30!!!!!!!!!!