Author Topic: Starting my 4 week on EASY  (Read 600 times)

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Offline winnie10

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Starting my 4 week on EASY
« on: October 27, 2007, 08:58:54 am »
Hi, my little one is 4 weeks old and we want to start her on the EASY routine.  She bf every 1 1/2 to 2 hours day and night.  Does anyone have any suggestions on where we start especially with getting her to nap during the day?


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Re: Starting my 4 week on EASY
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2007, 14:02:49 pm »
Ever 1.5-2hrs seems a bit too short of an interval between feedings.  I never bf, and you may want to check out the bfing boards, and they might be able to give you some better tips.  Many babies get into a bad habit of snacking which is what it sounds like she might be doing.  I hate to give any advice to a bf mom since I have no experience there, but with a snacker (if that is what we have here) they eat really often, but don't take in as much food as they need, so you get into a vicious cycle of snack, bad nap, wake due to hunger, eat - not very much again, because they aren't hungry enough to take a full meal because they just ate 1.5hrs ago, then another bad nap waking due to hunger, etc.  Ask the BF ladies, but I would be inclined to say you might work on stretching your times between feeds to see if you can get a better, fuller feed each time, and then start working on the naps if they continue to be short.  Is there any medical reason why you need to feed her this often?  Just don't want to tell you to go longer btwn feedings if there is a health/medical reason she needs to eat that often.  Good luck!

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Re: Starting my 4 week on EASY
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2007, 18:07:41 pm »
Hi Winnie,

I agree with vadensmommy about the snacking.  Do you have a copy of BW Solves All Your Problems?  If so there is a sample easy routine on page 25.  That routine is a 3 hour easy with two cluster feeds and a df.  If you don't have the book I would suggest picking it up. I am also willing to type it out if you need me to.
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