Yes, I give him Infant Motrin or Tylenol for teething pain...depending on what we have in the house. Motrin seems to work better, or at least it lasts longer. The homeopathic stuff never works on him at all unfortunately, so I gave up on the teething tablets. Orajel doesn't seem to help much either and he doesn't care for teething rings of any kind...I've tried them all including a frozen washcloth.
I wondered about limiting his daytime sleep too. Especially since our ds has suddenly gone from sleeping 10.5-11 hours at night to around 9.5 or 10 and then taking longer naps during the day.
Yes, we do give him a bottle of milk before bed. He usually drinks between 6-8 oz. It is part of our bedtime routine...bath, bottle in glider chair in living room, then bedtime story in his room, music box then we put him down in his crib awake but tired, and leave the room. Unless of course he cries for more than a few minutes and it is clearly not a mantra cry, then we go back and try gradual w/d.
Last night, he screamed for like 25 minutes before he fell asleep. My husband put him to bed and went back into the room to do gradual withdrawal after ds wouldn't settle and was crying hysterically. DH said after a short comfort he laid in the bed ignoring him. Eventually our ds just went to sleep but he still cried for quite awhile when dh was laying down in the room. Comforting him too much just seems to fuel his crying and hysterics, so we only do it when he is truly REALLY upset and we can tell he won't be able to calm himself down. Sometimes he reaches that point quicker than others. My philosophy is, at least if we are there and he is crying, he won't feel abandoned. Anyway, ds never made it thru his first sleep transition last night...after 45 minutes he jolted awake (from OT) so I went in that time and comforted him. He was so upset I had to pick him up and hold him for a few minutes standing by his crib, then I put the music box back on and put him in his crib and laid down in his room. He cried for about 10 minutes then back to sleep and he slept through till 5:30 a.m. his normal wake up time. This morning he fought his nap at around 9, but fell asleep after I had to go back in once and retrieve his lovey blanket. Sometimes I think ds purposely throws his 2 little blankets on the floor so I will have to go get them. He won't really sleep without them or at least it takes him forever to settle. I sense that he might be manipulating me by this behavior, but I'm not sure. I don't give him any reward when I go in...just pick up the blankets, put his music box back on and leave. Sometimes I have done this though and it is a mistake...once he sees me he throws a screaming tantrum b/c I left.