Author Topic: How to extend a 1.5 routine to a 3 hour EASY routine work  (Read 782 times)

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Offline Keong

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How to extend a 1.5 routine to a 3 hour EASY routine work
« on: October 30, 2007, 23:12:25 pm »

I posted earlier and MJM Mom(?) was kind enough to redirect me here.  So thank you!

I read BW while I was pregnant and I loved the book. I thought it would be easier to implement.  I honestly thought labour was going to be the most challenging thing about babies.  Was I wrong!

So here are my questions about EASY for my 4 week old:

1) EATING - my lo is a good eater, and my let down is FAST.  He can finish my boob off anywhere from 10 - 20 minutes.  According to he routine, it should take 45 minutes.  So if we finish earlier, do we extend the ACTIVITY to make up for lost time, or do we extend the SLEEP (which usually doesn't work anyways because he only naps for an hour or so)

2) ACTIVITY - my lo falls asleep at the breast all the time.  So yesterday I tried to keep him awake by belly time and playing with some of his toys.  That lasted about 15 minutes because he started to cry - overstimulation.  So I figure I would put him down for SLEEP, but of course he doesn't go down, and if he does, do I let him sleep to make up the extra time lost in EATING and ACTIVITY?

3) SLEEP - falls asleep at the boob as mentioned above, or he could sleep extra long.  If he sleeps for longer won't that effect his night time sleep?

4) Diaper changes - am I correct that according the EASY routine the last diaper change is at 7:00pm after bath until 7:00am in the morning? Does everyone follow this?  Or does anyone do any changes in the middle of the night? Doesn't it wake baby?

So basically my questions is that EAS happens on very short timelines (about half of the suggested times which makes our routine about 1.5 instead of 3) where and how do I extend time?

I also bought a miracle blanket and am going to try to use it tonight.  It says that it should only be used for 12 hours maximum.  If this is true, then I can't use it for all the naps and at night because technically shouldn't baby be sleeping 15 hours?  Any suggestions from moms who use it?  Does it really work?  I'm praying it does because I am not doing well.

Any advice support is welcome.  I'm at my wits end, and had a major cry fest...



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Re: How to extend a 1.5 routine to a 3 hour EASY routine work
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2007, 02:34:24 am »
1. You are fortunate in that your LO eats so quickly!  extend the Activity time.  It's not lost time, it's GAINED time!!!  you actually can interact a bit wiht your LO!!!  My LO was the same way.  LOVED it!  Now she drains both sides in 6 minutes.  Crazy!!

3.  Not sure I understand your question?  how long is extra long that he is sleeping?  2 hrs is OK, more than that, I would be inclined to wake him so it doesn't interfere with night time sleep.

4.  I used to try to do diaper changes in the middle of the night, but it would wake up DD too much.  I only changed her diaper if I knew it was dirty.  Disposable diapers are so darn good anymore they don't even feel wet to the touch at all.  Cloth diapers, I'm sure your LO would protest if you didn't change it.

I didn't answer 2 on purpose.  Just wanted to make some general comments.  EASY is much less about the clock than it is to establish a routine pattern for your LO to follow.  Once you have established the general routine, your LO will provide the cues as to when he is ready for the next thing E, A, or S.  3 hrs isn't a hard fast rule either.  If your LO seems hungry at 2.5 hrs, it's OK to feed him.  If he doesn't seem hungry until 3.5, that's OK too! 

Don't know about the miracle blanket... didn't use one.  Is that 12 hours maximum per day?

HTH!  Let me know if you have any more questions!!

Offline Keong

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Re: How to extend a 1.5 routine to a 3 hour EASY routine work
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2007, 19:21:08 pm »

Thanks for your response.  I'm getting the whole routine thing. 

What do you do if your baby hates swaddling, but he wakes himself up with his jerky reactions?

Thanks again!


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Re: How to extend a 1.5 routine to a 3 hour EASY routine work
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2007, 20:08:54 pm »
I thought my LO hated swaddling too... until I read Tracy's book and tried it again.  Some LO's are just a bit more mobile than others early on.  Get a blanket that holds the swaddle better and keep trying.  They will eventually calm and get a bit more used to it.  And they do sleep better with it.
One suggestion I heard, but did not try is to take a pillowcase and fold it lengthwise twice.  Use that to wrap the arms down and then swaddle over it to hold the swaddle better.
