Author Topic: 19 months and sudden night wakings.  (Read 772 times)

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19 months and sudden night wakings.
« on: October 31, 2007, 10:49:56 am »
my lo has been a really good sleeper right from the start. We usually put him in his cot at 8.15pm after his bed, bath and bottle and he'll say night night, cuddle his doggy toy and go to sleep on his own within minutes....sleeping right through to 7am if not later.
BUT the last couple of nights he's woken up screaming at around 2.30am and wanting to come to our bed, he points to the door crying. DH gave in on the first night as he was so tired and just wanted to get back to sleep. Then last night it happened again, but was like ds was having a tantrum and was screaming his little head off to come to sleep with us. I did pu/pd for about 45 mins and eventually he went to sleep exhausted. It seemed to take forever to calm him down and each time I though it was safe to put him down he started crying uncontrollably again and really getting into a state.
He has got a bit of a runny nose and he is teething (back teeth are coming out)....could this be the reason? He absolutely loves his room usually so I don't think he's scared of anything in there.
Also on the few occasions he has ended up sleeping in our bed he has been so fidgety he's hardly slept....along with DH and I!
The most annoying thing is that in the morning ds is full of beans and back to normal, whereas DH and I are absolutely knackered!
Am I doing the right thing? I know it's only been a problem for a couple of nights but I just need to know how to handle it if it continues.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: 19 months and sudden night wakings.
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2007, 13:02:49 pm »
this really sounds like teething to me.Sasha was awful when she got her first lot of molars through.They are such big teeth i'm not suprised its so tough for them.for some reason it troubles them more at night than at any time during the day.
What could be happening is if you are giving meds then they usually wear off after 7-8 hrs and he may need another sml dose.