My 7.5 month old twins are moving into a new EASY phase and I'm not sure how to proceed. They are able to stay awake three hours+ now, but if they are on a four hour feed, they sometimes wake early from their nap. I think it's hunger. So what do I do?
No typical days yet, but here's an example
6am Wake and E
7:00 Solids - just 1/4 piece of bread with smashed banana
9:00 S
10:30/11:00 (sometimes earlier) E Bottle
12:00 Lunch
2:00 S
4:00ish Bottle
5:00 dinner
5:30, bath, bottle, book, bed by 6:00/6:30
Is this fine/normal? Am I making a mountain out of a molehill?
Oh, I forgot, one twin is a refluxer, so that bottle is kind of a joke. She won't sit down to drink her bottle very politely. It usually takes thirty minutes of wrangling to get her to drink 3 oz. And that's if I'm lucky. Sometimes have to give her a wee snack (20 cc) before her nap to make sure she can sleep through.