I have my 12 week old son on a 3 hour EASY. We were pretty stict about it but got kind of relaxed. It could be I need to be strict with the schedule again but his night time sleep hasn't seemed to change no matter what. Here's what happens -
Somewhere between 7 and 8pm (usually between 7 and 7;30) he falls alseep. DF at 10 or 11pm (when I was still BF he wouldn't really wake up at this point, now that he's on formula bottles he tends to wake up during this feed) and then right back to sleep. Most nights he sleeps from then until around 5am but then won't go back to sleep and needs to play after he eats. He falls back to sleep about an hour after he woke up (around 6 or 6:15am and will sleep until around 8 or 8:30am.
During the day he's up for about 1 - 1 1/2 hours and sleeps for about 1 1/2 -2 hours (although his naps have become more difficult - doing a lot of 45 min naps. I am going to try going in at the 35 min mark to be there and try to extend the nap.) Point is, even when he has a great napping day his night is still the same.
Is there any way to work this out or is he just ready to get up at 5 and there's nothing I can really do about it? All I want is another hour or so!
TIA for any suggestions!