Hi Muriel,
Thanks for your input. Have been trying to wean the swaddle hence day no night yes. Might try unswaddled tomorrow night. Yes dh and I have both " spoken" to him, doesnt work
and in a positive voice just like I do at nap time.
I also thought a 12 day growth spurt was not possbile but apparently it is and I also spoke to his paed on Thurs about it and he also said yes it's possible. I keep a detailed log and believe me I have studied it a million times to see where the differnce is, so far I cannot come up with anything constructive.
Sorry I dont mean to sound dismissive of your ideas, believe me all are welcome but I just cant figure it out. I wake him at 10.30 for a feed, just done, he ate, was changed, swaddled and back in bed, no probs, so what gives 4 times out of 24 hours ok and night time no???